A Wolf's Life Part 5 "First Battle Part 2"
Read Count : 122
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter 1 "So when was the last time you saw Luke" Luna asked me. "I dunno I heard Lightning say something about taking him to the Iron Room or something like that" I told her. "Oh no" I hear behind me. I look back and see who it is, what I find is a small pup. "His name is Wonder" Luna tells me, "He was put down here because of his powers, watch". That's when Luna throws a bolder at him and that little pup and he picks it up like a pebble! "How did you do that?!" I asked him. "One night I looked up in the sky when something hit me in the head, next day I had my powers" Wonder said. Man this pup could actually help us against Lightning. "So what was Oh no about the Iron Room" I ask him. "It is for brutal torture, some wolves never come out" he said. Then my heart sinks, Luke could be killed. "We got to go find him" I tell the two. "Sorry man, you can't escape from here. It is impossible , even if you do it how will you find him?" Wonder said. "Luna come here" I tell her, "I got a plan. Lightning is afraid of Wonder right? If we use him as bait we could slip pass the guards and save Luke and Snow". "Your right but how are we going to find the room?" Luna said. "We will ask Wonder, he has grown up in here he should know where it is" I say. That's when I pull Wonder towards us to tell him the plan, "when we get the other two we can fight Lighting and defeat him" I add in. "Ok so how do we get out of here" Luna said. The hole we we're in was at least 30ft deep and had a small room off to the side at the bottom. We we're in that room. "Oh, I can fly up there with one at a time" I suggested. "When did you know how to fly?!" Luna said surprisingly. "Oh when we were coming down here. I fell off a cliff and never touched the bottom. As I was saying I could life Wonder up first then you Luna" I told her. "Ok then but I'm your size but a little shorter" she said. "I'll be ok" I say as I lift Wonder. Within about 10 minutes I had everyone up and out of the pit. "Thanks" Luna said, I could tell she liked how strong I was, and that she was blushing. "🎵 Luna and Blue sitting in a tree K-I-S-S" Wonder started singing. "Be quiet you little pup, now where to next?" I say. "Well there is a side entrance to the castle but I don't know if is still being used" Wonder told us. Chapter 2 Luke It's been about 10mins since we we're floating up on the water, just about 10ft away from the trap door. Snow tries to knock it loose but it won't budge. " It's no use Luke! I can't get it open!" She yells. That's when I remembered, when I was brought in here I saw a small door that was touched, it could be unlocked. "Hold on Snow I'm going to go down and see if this small door will open" I tell her. "Ok but hurry, I expect we would have no air in about 5 minutes" she says. I swam down to see the door it was pitch black so I couldn't see very well and had to feel my way down. That's when I feel the small door, and there is no lock on it! I kick at it and it moved a few inches. Yes! I swim back up to tell the good news. But when I get up there is no air pocket, all I see is a limp body of a she-wolf, Snow! I grab her and rush back down to the door. By now my lungs are burning and feel like they would burst. With one hand in Snow and one on the door and with a few kicks I get the door open. Then everything becomes a flash, and I'm lying there coughing up water. I turn over and see Snow on her side not moving. With so much pain I managed to run over to see her. I press my head on her body and feel her heart beating. "Thank God she is ok" I say to myself. I do CPR on her and mouth to mouth breathing, after about 2 minutes she comes back to reality. "Haha you kissed me" she says. "No I didn't" I lied. I get up to see we're we are then turn my head to see we are right out side of the castle. "It's looks like we came out of some type of side door". I said. Chapter 3 Blue We round a corner to where the side door was but before that happened Wonder told us "just in case there may be guards get ready to shed blood". That kinda creep me and Luna out. But when we do go around the corner instead of seeing guards we see Luke and Snow all soaking wet. "Oh hey guys!" Snow yelled with exitment. "Shhhh, don't let the patrols hear you" Wonder warned her. I move everyone to a shaded area where no guards would see us. "Ok the plan is that Luna, Luke, and Me would go to Lightning. Luna would behind Lightning waiting to strike him. Snow, you and Wonder would be in there with us since you too are the perfect fit of strength, you will also guard the door. When we are all done Luke will show us to the iron room and escape through the side door. After that it's on the the next leader" I explained, "any questions?". "What if we all die?" Asked Wonder. "Then at least we would know we died trying to save this world" I answered. Ok the plan was in place, we split up right before the thrown room. As Luna went to the back entrance me and Luke went through the front with Snow and Wonder behind waiting. "Don't screw this up Luke" Snow said kissing him. "C'mon Luke it's not like your going to the army" I said. Thats when we entered the room. "Well... surprised how you two escaped; and for you blue one, I've never seen you around here before" Lightning said. "No wonder, you are always thinking about yourself" I say under my breath. "Oh now your getting it" He says getting of his chair. He was drawing his claws out and rasing his paw. Before I could react he was on me digging his claws in. I kick Lightning off of me as Luke slams into him at mid air. I try to get up but in too much pain where the wound was from the claws. I look over seeing Luke fighting Lightning... Loosing. Good thing Wonder looked in just in time to see me. "Oh my gosh! Blue are you ok?!" He said running over to me. "Ya, just a little scratches" I said weakly. That's when I remembered that wound on his shoulder. "Luna! Luke! Strike his shoulder!" I yelled. That when Luna gets from behind the chair and both She and Luna get on top of Lightning. With one hit Lightning stops moving. "Is he.." I say. "Almost, just gasping for air" Luna says. I limp over to she Lightning and he says something that would hunt me, "haha, you thought I would be hard to defeat. You have another thing... c-coming *coughs* the next one will make you that you wish to never come here" he says then dies a second later. Chapter 4 "Hey who's in there?" I hear a voice coming from out side the door. I look up to see Snow running towards us "cats out of the bag, we got to get out of here!". "Ok everyone over there!" Luke points. Snow and Wonder help me get over to some lid on the floor. "Ok, this may hurt while falling Blue" Luke said. That's when the first patrols start coming into the room running after us. Luke kicks this lever and a trap door opens from under us and fall. Soon Luke hops in just as the first patrol wolf grabs his leg. Luke kicks him in the face and falls with us. We hit the ground and get up quick just as Luke hits the floor. "Ok the door is over here" Luke points. He opens up the door and we run out, down the mountain and into the Sorrow Forest. Ok just keep walking towards the river and we will figure out where to go to next. END OF PART FIVE