The Grey Wolf Part 4
Read Count : 128
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
After 20 minutes of running I start to see a waterfall in the distance. I raised my muzzle and sniffed the air. "Fresh water!" Basically drewling when I barked out. Daniel gives me a quick look back over his silvery wolf coat. "Thirsty pipsqueak?" Daniel asked as he suddenly stopped. "Yes, I'm dying over here." I flop to the ground and whine. "Such a lazy pup." Daniel tells me. I growl to lazy to refute back. Daniel then sits down. "Your lucky pipsqueak, because the waterfall is our check point anyways." Daniel tells me. I get up excitedly. "Where are the others then?" I look around in anticipation. "Almost here." Daniel says. I look at him confused. "How can you tell if they are almost here?" I asked him curiously. "Oh, good question." You could almost see his wolfy self smile at me. "We are blessed with a pack mind link. Only a wolf from the same pack can communicate with each other. Same as with mates." I look at with a face that says I understand. "Also, there are ranks in packs." Daniel looks at me with a serious manner. "Umm, then what position am i?" I asked in anticipation. David gives me a hard look. "That's the problem. I can't figure out what position you are. Your wolf does not have any aura around it. It's like you are your own self if that makes sense." Daniel tells me. "What the hell." I say. "I feel like a weirdo now." I tell him with a whine. Daniel gets up and walks to me. He rubs his head against mine. "Don't worry pipsqueak. Our mother goddess must have something planned for you. All will be known when we are back at the sanctuary." If I were in human form, I would be blushing right now, he's soooo sweet! I sighed in thought. "Thanks Daniel." I Also rubbed back at him. "Oh! What position are you?" I ask. Daniel snorts and stands up. "It should be obvious pipsqueak." I wrinkle my snout in confusion. Daniel sighs. "You are going to be the death of me pipsqueak." I get pouty. "Heyyy not nice." I wined. Daniel chuckles at me. "I'm the Alpha pipsqueak. Alpha of the YellowMoon Pack, and you pipsqueak are our newest member. Welcome to the pack." Daniel gets up and suddenly howls. I get startled for a second. I get more startled when I hear other howls in the distance. What the he'll is going on? Daniel gives me the, why are you not howling with me look. Again I try to roll my eyes, but I don't think it worked out well again. I raise my head and howled along. At first i was quiet because I didn't want to do it wrong. But it felt right, and I started to feel more comfortable. All of a sudden I sense something near us. My tail starts to wag. Daniel also seems to sense it and stops howling. End of part 4😁