The Magic Of The Game Chapter Two
Read Count : 119
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Jayanti was not happy with Marius. He asked too many questions, and he was always having silent conversations with himself. Most of which were not silent due to the fact that he kept saying them out loud. So, the journey to the Board was a welcome distraction. Traveling anywhere in Adrea (The realm of the magicians) required concentration, and only certain magicians were able to conjure a portal or teleport. Luckily for Jayanti, the board’s note acted as sort of a portal on it’s own. She and Marius needed to simply hold onto it, and they would be teleported to the Board. Unluckily for Jayanti, the journey was quick, and they arrived right in front of the Board’s table (Although Marius was unused to the mode of travel, and promptly fell down, dragging Jayanti along with him). Quickly jumping up to her feet, she dusted off her hoodie and looked to the people sitting in front of her. There were five members of the board, each one a master of their abilities. Councilwoman Stephanie Canmore, for example, had the ability to make thoughts come to life. Her chocolate skinned figure had been sitting on the Board for fifteen years, making her the youngest of the members, but also the most compassionate. The Board’s leader, Councilman Richard Rose, was a leader that the people of Adrea adored. He was fair and just, and open about himself in ways that the others were not. He had been leading the council for decades, and no one had disputed his methods. The others on the board were Councilwoman Nevarro, a mage who’s copper hair reflected the use of her elemental powers, Councilman Landry, a middle-aged man who’s powers consisted of electrokinesis (meaning he could summon beams of electricity). Finally, there was Councilman Christopher Bradley. He was a young man who’s shocking green eyes were a side effect of his powers: poison manipulation. He was only on the council for one reason; he had fought his way there. He was also the one looking straight into Jayanti’s eyes, his cold green chilling Jayanti’s deep brown. Clearing her throat, Jayanti spoke. “Board, you have summoned us?” Councilwoman Canmore was opening her mouth to speak when Christopher raised a hand to silence her. “That we have, Miss Patel. You see, your actions alone have not had the,” Christopher waved his hand lazily, as if looking for the phrase, “desired effect that we wanted. For that reason, we have paired you with Mr. Rosales, to perhaps have a more effective approach to the problem.” Marius looked confused, his tanned hands twisting at his sides. “What problem?” he asked, perplexed. The Board looked to each other. Sighing, Lisa Nevarro cast her gaze down to Marius. “The problem is controlling the magic of Adrea. Though we have programs and schools set up, there are still mages who go unnoticed and cause mayhem. They have children, and those children are running around in the mortal world, with no one to teach them how to regulate their powers. The people of the twenty-first century have come frighteningly close to discovering us multiple times. Miss Patel’s mission was to find the unidentified mages and bring them to Adrea. Though from recent evidence, we have found that the problem is bigger than it appeared. Some of these children do, in fact, have schooling. However, they are being taught to destroy Adrea.” “Oh. I guess that is kind of a problem.” Marius joked, unsure how to respond. “Yes, it kind of is.” said Mr. Rose, “Now, you both will be assigned to a new section of the movement, where the violence is especially fierce. Miss Patel, I trust you will show Mr. Rosales how to act in such a situation?” “Yes, Councilman Rose.” “Great. You will leave by the end of the day.” “To where, Councilman?” Councilman Roses’ eyes twinkled. “To Brazil, Miss Patel. To Brazil.” ^^^
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