Kiki Of The Elements
Read Count : 133
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
I am a wolf. Mentally, physically most of the time, magically, yes. Maybe a bit smarter than most. What? You think magic isn't real? Sure. Think all you want. Go ahead and close this if you don't want to believe. Still reading? Good. If you ever feel overwhelmed, feel free to close the book. Okay, so I'm going to assume that you think magic is a thing you are just born with. Wrong. We aren't born magically. We're cursed. Still reading? I'm impressed. Now where was I? Oh, yeah. So, anyways there was a magic tree. Anyone who wandered under the tree would be cursed, or given magical abilities. The problem was that magic isn't a normal thing to have, and people who were cursed were considered outcasts, evil people thrown into prisons just because they decided to take a walk in the woods. How did the willow get powers? Well, one of its leaves fell onto a rose in the middle of the night. When the moonlight hit the rose, the sapling was gifted. Then it grew into a big tree. So I'm on this mess because a leaf fell off a tree. I'll tell more, maybe. It depends. See ya! -Kiki Moonlight