My Blog #2 Read Count : 189

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous


I've been thinking lately about an article I read on two types of people specifically. Extroverted and Introverted. Now for those who don't know, Extroverted types are very outgoing and socially confident. (Which I don't really like how I put that, but it IS the definition so..) And Introverted type people are shy, withdrawn and quiet basically.

Now people that know me say, I am very Outgoing, and great with people. But for me, it's honestly exhausting, Even at my simple cafè job, I am great with the customers because I love to be! Especially elders, I had one customer come back to tell me that I had made their day one day when they had come in after her husband had past. And I didn't even remember the woman.. I was just like that to everyone, but I will never forget her now after telling me that. 

But still after each day, I just want to run home and get in my bed and watch some t.v or play on my Xbox, write, draw anything but interact with people.. which sounds pretty bad. But, I am good at being alone, maybe too good.. 

~Is it such a bad thing anyway? To be introverted, let me know what you guys think ? >< And I'd love to hear what types of personalities you have... 

Till Next Time~


  • This is really interesting. I am introverted.

    Apr 04, 2018

  • Ramaya Lewis

    Ramaya Lewis

    At this time, I would say I'm introverted in reality, but here I'd say extroverted.

    Apr 06, 2018

  • Jul 03, 2018

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