Feminism Is Not An Illusion Read Count : 167

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I walked on the streets and to my surprise I saw a woman running at a building site carrying bricks at her shoulders throwing them to a guy who was obviously the builder and as if that was not enough this same woman ran back and forth to get bricks and after she was done she started mixing cement to make more bricks getting the sad with a trolley by herself. I can't say I was impressed but I was overwhelmed by her strength and her courage, this lady didn't care about how heavy her boobs are to run around with heavy load on her shoulders, she didn't worry about hurting herself because she didn't undermine herself nor did she look down on herself. She was strong as a man but yet wise as a woman.

I always asked myself why is it that women are known to be soft and fragile, why is it that we are told that some jobs are not meant for women, why is it that we are told women can't be presidents or leaders, why is that we are told women must be submissive to their husbands or obedient to men, why is it that women are meant to sit at home and do the dishes, why is that our job is to give birth for the men and why in world's name do we let men tell us what we can do and what we aren't capable of doing!

I know this whole craps of men being domain and powerful started long way back but remember that long way back women weren't given a chance to be exposed to reality and realize how unfair they were being treated, I'm not saying our ancestors were wrong but maybe they were a little bit blind to everything remember just maybe, but yet it doesn't mean we should follow in their footsteps and live the in a dilemma they lived in because we are exposed to the truth, we are open to have a free mind and we have a choice and most importantly we have a voice.

If you are the mother that sits at home and take care of the house while waiting for your husband to come make a decision or give orders around then think about it and ask yourself if you are happy or if you feel chained up in your own or do you wish to be free and feel how it feels to be the woman of your own and have a husband that respect your opinion and make decisions together? Obviously you must want all that but you feel like you depend on him that is why you can't get up and work it's like you are just his furniture at home and if you are not lucky he beats you up and push you away when he needs to he even treats you like trash sometimes but how can you leave when he has done so much for you when he has washed you up and made you his wife and it's like he made you a favour by marrying you. I understand how you get to feel like that but really do you think you are so low that you can't go out there and find your freedom, you so much then a housewife you can be anything you want in this world but not a men's subject!

Get up on your feet and become who you were meant to be, make yourself proud that any men that come across you will think twice before calling you weak or doubt your capabilities.

The world will always turn and feel you aren't worth a leader and to be honest no men want to be ruled by a woman or governed by one they make up excuses like we aren't capable of making wise decisions and go through pain to be leaders. Such silly excuses shows that men are afraid of women they know women can do better than them at most of things, they go about and carry themselves like gods but they are nothing but cowards hiding under their muscles and deep voices. Don't be challenged by all that, those are just part of their physical growth not minds and intelligence. We can rule too and make decisions at home and become head of the house.

Have a look at a single mother who raised 4 kids on her own because a careless father of a ex husband couldn't do better, he was coward enough to move out of the house or all he does is drink and waste his life away but still go out and brag about being a man while being dressed, cleaned up and fed by a woman but he can never admit that like never. Because of the shame inside him he gets to bring out his physical strength on a woman because he knows that's the only thing he is good at and can do better, beating his wife!

Dear women stop living in your shadows and let yourself seen by the world and your capabilities. Be good wives to your husbands but not subjects teach your sons to respect and adore women like they will want their daughter to be treated and don't forget to raise your daughter with respect and teach her that she is a powerful mind that can become anything she wants and no one can subject otherwise.

Let's be women of our own minds.


  • This is really good! You publish it somewhere where more people can see it. It's really good!!!

    Apr 03, 2018

  • Very well written. On point. Awesome piece. Well done! 💜👏👍

    Apr 03, 2018

  • Absolutely agree, equality for everyone

    Apr 03, 2018

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