TODAY AND TOMORROW.. Read Count : 184

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Don't tell me of tomorrow,
Give me the man who will say.
That when a good deed to be done,
Let's do the deed today. 

We may all command the present,
If we act and never wait.
But repentance is the phantom,
Of a past that comes too late.

Don't tell me of tomorrow,
There is much to do today.
They can never be accomplished,
If we throw the hours away.

Every moment has its duty,
Who the future can foretell?
Then why put off till tomorrow?
What today can do as well??

It is true that our present time is a worthy gift, that's why it is called present. We can utilise our time in the best way. Past is dead, tomorrow is unborn so we will have to think about what it is going in present. So, we will have not to waste a single minute. We will have not to be a procrastinator. Every minute has its duty, if we don't fulfill our duty of that minute it will fall on another minute and before our death we can't be able fulfill our duties. So, don't waste any moment afterwards.


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