Getting Your Target Weight!
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Over the past years,we women of all body type set a New Year Resolution goal to lose weight or live a healthy lifestyle. Doing this, it has us feel empowered and motivated. Whether you do it for religous reasons, spice things up in a marraige or tired of dead weight. The goal has been set and raised. We go out to the gym, we buy billon dollar of diet pills, signup on different weight loss programs. Some had even 3took the easy and get liposuction for what though. Your friends? The society we live in? Your husband? You feel if you dont achieve goal, your not be sastified where you at? I am tell woman across the whole nation, your wrong to think that your goal is lost in the process. It just beginnging, but words of encouragement to all - Get Fit and Healthy for Yourself because you need it. Get in Shape for Your lord and Savior not for others but New You! Get Your Target Weight is about you looking Healthy period. Also, You love to live longer..... So if this inspires you, kudos and here my tips on get that weight Achieved. 1. The keyword you should mediated is "Toning". I repeat this everytime i am tackle my weight loss goal daily and is to mediatate your mind right way. When you think of Toning, it just one section of your body get in tight: muscular tissue. Those tissues help firms areas in you and also build support on your joints. So when you go put effort in mind to go towards the goal, think of tone up your muscles. 2. Now that i got you on the real perspective of weight loss, we need to find out a plan for tone up muscles. Usually, people go for cliche diet and execerise. Its pretty basic put on weight loss but not a breakdown to get there . So i reccomended that your diet be balanced with proetin and fiber rich breakfast to help regulate calorie breakdown in you. You might also want to stay replenish of clear liquid daily. Lunchs should be still healthy a bit of healthy carbohydate to get you untill dinner. For example, a chicken ceasar salad with vingarette, baslmic, rasberry dressing is good. If not maybe a fruit salad or hearty soup. Some people want burger and fries. I suggest a vegan or turkey burger on whole grain bun. Stay away from fast food burgers, it load with calories and no nutrion agents. Although baked potato chip with vegan and turkey burger is fine. Other substuttiions: chicken pita, chicken shawrama.blt is okay but have it on rye or wheat. Thristy during day,grab a green tea from snapple or golden peak. Go to starbucks n get the shaken green tea or hisbscus tea. Hot outside? Pistachio or mint choco ice cream tastey. Pizza lovers: try whole grain or gluetin free with supreme,hawwaiian or vegan,spinach feta Dinner should be serve before 8pm why. Your body has certain it diagest and turns food to stored fat. If you want snack,apple slice nutella,bannas with nutuella or peanut butter, cuties,chocolate dipped strawberry lastily shortbread topped with cream and blueberries yummm! I know this lot to remember. So i construct a diagram. Breakfast 7am -9am Big plate 1 proten 1 fiber 1 starch 1 carbohy Snack 10:00 or 10 :30am Somethn with fiber Lunch 12-1pm Small plate 1protein Half starch half fiber Snack Healthy. Dinner 5,6,7pm If still full from lunch Small plate small portion Soup and salad Lentils,one starch Just salad itself Half scoop mom cassrole Etc. 3. What about the Execerising?! Okay, don"t fret about it. We got the right mindset and the consistent diet to keep you full. Though some may have their cheat days, you have to be wise of what you eat. If i am going cheat on diet just once,it has to be a guilt free snack. A guilt free snack is like after hours and you got mad cravings for sweet or salty. I go for some italian ice because it just ice and it real fruit in it. So i am not gain any calories because it just water ice fruit . Salty snacks be like i grab pistacchios or chocolate almonds. I got my fiber max out . Back to the Exercise, it is a leverage keep your diet channel to energy your body needs. Of course we can pay 10 or 20 dollars at gym, 30 with weight watchers. I prefer get a fitness device to help you with everything. I have a Fitbit app with the fitbit watch and track your sleep,fluids,weight loss. Its all affordable and choose on the app certain exercise to do at home or with friend.. Its great device and i had mines for 3 years. It shows you accurate results, of course you need a glass weight digit scale to track pounds shed on your fitbit. It all worth it. The goal is to be healthy. I know we look at other woman and their skinny,happy. We go for just healthy abs and with lil thickness. 4. Remember all the tips and if your goal for 30 days or longer,tell tell yourself you can do this!