Relationships Read Count : 171

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Hello and welcome to my first blog. I am previous gifted expert on relationship and Evangelistic student work on couple projects. I have few pointers on Relationship.

1. Relationships with same sex or opposite could be costly to your health.

Its costly because you put time, energy and trust into good amount of people but these people dont input same results sometimes. 

So how do you feel? Hurt of course. Pissed off. Probably want to ask johnny wht the french is his problem? It maybe several things that about to explain.

2. If partner cheats or you find out he cheating, it may be why he not do his part.

Ladies,lets not go on Rampage. Lil johnny already knows he got mouth full come to him. So if he dont explain, i play the "interrogated cop" person and make him realize his actions. He waste your time, of course you be mad and think he the one. Pour out emotions is not going solve this. Man must learn to atone for their chaos that brings us heartbreak.

3. If scenario comes that man lead you on and has so many problem self to deal with, you have to ask "is it Worth it?"

Really ? The equation is your problems plus his baggage and at the end , a curve ball.  The ball could be anythn.

So can there be a solution to the equation? Well, its 50/50 because the male emotional baggage can be severe to the point or not severe we can help them. We women suppose to be get our support from the opposite sex the most. If we had take time out of our own situation to help you, he"s not going be any useful.

Which is why you should ask yourself again ""Is It Worth?! " you may love him or known 5 years and running but the emotional toll can direct hit your soul physically. 

4. Mamas Boys

Some mama boy relationship can prevail into existance and others may not. It depends on the male counterpart and how strong is his bond with his mother? Old or young, if  man sacriface his chance to be with you all forsake of please his mother and chase after some fantasy women, he is not into you nor see you as a priority. It do not matter years you known him, he fail to choose better way to save the relationship.

It is flat out, Beyounce "to the Left" sadly because no man would risk his relationship to please his burn fantasy and his mother. It even a selfish thing too.

5. Fuckboys

Have you ever got to known boy at work or school? He like you one minute and then after few talks week later, he wants met up. The met up go good until he say he like you and start fill on you. You only known for least few weeks, he dump you because you   didnt give him contol.

Well (Uncle James voice: "Oh that little Jerkface is a fuckBoy!")
 He thought by talk to you for only few weeks, he be able to get in your panties. He really was not plan to date you, he just want some cookies.

I would just say to the player "No offense but you Got the wrong sister. Now gtfo!"

6.  Man with Side Queens

In the milenmias now, we used to think that there just one Beyounce. It is just one Queen Bee but also other imitatiors out there. Our man that we have been dating and got our title as the main chick have a side order low key. 

We ask anywhere and anytime,who you on the phone with? Can i see your phone? Honey boo, whats your password? They all respond with 20 billion execuse. We trust them with our phone because we real women don"t do side orders. We required just a real man for real women. 

If he dont provide a truthful examination or his side queen come to the light, you going have to give me altermated. He either with Queen bee or the kiesha,becky,robin with fake hair? That the case,he go with, tell him he cant comeback because he choose wrong. Its painful but he did wrong.
.7. Biopolar

Progressivley, crime is up in any city. Most of the crime dealing with domestic violence and family issues. It targets to men mainly. Our cops in uniform says that these men are mentally ill,ok. The illness can altercate unhealthy behavior. We could be already in relationship and man act wild.

So best course of action, put the commitmenship on hold till things better with the man. You may suggest only that he gets help and safe bet, give him time alone. Communication can be through the telephone.

It not a breakup,its a break from interaction with him. If you have kids or not with him, go be with relatives till he become stable. All is neccasary for safety reasons.

Again, we woman overall have to look at our health and people who support us into these relationships at all times. We dont know the minds of any man but we should look out for longterm survival of breakups.




    U had me at pissed off

    Apr 03, 2018

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