Why Am I Still Alive
Read Count : 94
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
On friday the 13 me and my bff and sister were all in the bedroom and we got a text from my dad and he said why are yall screaming i said we saw the lights turn ofd and we later saw a text that said that the muffi man was coming at 1030 so we planed that at 1025. We rae all getting to fet on tje bottom bunck and get ready for him to come and we arw going yo pee are pants and we planed to push zorah my sister to mr. Muffin man so we dont die and live together whalen we grow upband move to europe Omg it is 9:11 we dont have time to spare and qe arw not ready to die and i already told you the plan and when she dies i qill killyself and we will live bc qre rae bff and we have my phone is dying and i will die with it