If Only .4 Read Count : 132

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
You walk  around and the cold breaz cools you down you realize people was staring so u put your hood up and put your ear buds in to listen to music you walk down town and to a skate park luckily you see a fumilyer face " wow danle and danta you guys skate?" Yep" thay lagh" want to  try Emily"?? Thay ask OK " you start skateing and you see people stare at you your use to it though after you finish  thay ask " do you dance " yep" OK then dance " you do a few head spins and windmills then stop " whut all can you do!" Thay dead you give a persistent look " alot I'm made to protect and entertane " 


  • Apr 13, 2018

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