Read Count : 152
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
Is was a dark miserable night in England and kaity was sleeping peacefully but a loud bang at her door woke her she got a fright and his under her covers but she didn't know that there was a monster at the bottom of her bed. Her bed started to shake she starts to scream and while she is screaming the monster starts to get taller and gets closer to her so she shouts help mum are you there help. Her mum runs through and asks what wrong kaity says there is a monster right there but the mum couldn't she it then kaity is suddenly floating in the air like she was possessed then she passes out an she mum screams Help what's happening kaity can you hear me say something. Kaity falls on to her bed and the monster jumped out the widow kaitys mum was crying trying to wake kaity up she wouldn't get up so she phoned for an ambulance. When she got to the hospital kaity woke up and said he won't go away the mum was confused and said who isn't going away. Then kaity screams monster but this time the mum can see and the doctors can see it but the doctors ran away. Kaitys mum tried to get rid of the monster but it won't go it keeps pointing to kaity and saying mine she mine. The monster grabs kaity and runs out the hospital with her. After that happens kaitys mum started to cry and say I want my child back so she goes looking for the monster. She finds kaitys phone lying on the floor it said we are going back home to yours. Her mum runs home and sees kaity tied to a chair but she was laughing like she was happy the monster comes out of the kitchen with a knife and shouts get away now but the mum said no. She graves the knife of the monster and stabes him but nothing happend and her daughter day go now I hate u I don't know who you are.