Love Without Lust Read Count : 179

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
It's been 7 months of my marriage but im still alone still waiting for my husband to think something else than my body.
I was thinking that when i heard a voice *

"Alex get ready we are going on a friend house for party"

That was my husband Michael *

"i,ll be down in 15 minutes "

When i got down he said *

"you are looking beautiful today " i know what's its mean, it's mean is he wants to make love tonight *

At party i joined many people but after sometime, Michael get disappeared, in his search i went up to stairs and I heard someone talking *

"Ahhh you are a way good kisser than Alex even she can't make me happy this much "

In my curiosity i darn open the door and saw my husband in someone else bed naked, i left that place without any word and also left my husband *

After the divorce i start working in a company of commercial, 

Max*my employee *
 "Alex tonight it's the day where we are going to meet our new president of company "

That's right tonight is the welcome party of new CEO, i start to get ready for the party and in the party CEO appeared no doubt he was a handsome young man who was only 25 and got that wealth only 3 years bigger than me, after CEO speach i went out to bar, 

"umm i want one "i was in the middle of my sentence when someone called out from behind 
"Gin tonic with heavy pour "it was no one else but the new CEO .

"what's your name? "

"Alex "

"im Lucase Scott "

After the 3 shots of heavy pour i felt dizzy and when i was about to fall Lucase grab me, we were so closed that our lips about to touch when he said *

"you should go home "

" yes im going "

"wait i will drop you, you are still dizzy"

When he dropped me out of my home i was about to say thanks but a soft touch of his kissed stopped me,*

"you were looking beautiful today "
It reminds me of my past, whole night i was thinking about that kiss but than fall in sleep, Next morning i get ready for the office and when i reached office same car from last night was standing in front of me *

"You are 10 minutes late"

It was president "um sir sorry it won't happen next time"

" i want you to show me the elevator "

"w.. Why me? "

"Because i want you to show me "

I head to the elevator, and when we entered in elevator, Lucase put his both hands on my both side wall and elevator door was closed *

"wh.. What are you doing? You are to close"

"yea people call it moment "

"If that's a moment it's over now"

"why the glasses, they doesn't suits you,you look way better without them "

Suddenly he took of my glasses and put them up on my head flying, 

"Hey give me my glasses back "


"it's too high give them back "

"hahaha it's not my fault that you are short "

"stop being a child "

He grab my chin and said*
"no child can kiss like me"

I was stood their in silence, when he said 
"when elevator going to reach the 6 floor? "
Than i realized I didn't push the button, when we reached the 6th floor Lucase steel a kiss and went out , i was confused what is going on, what am i doing and I decided to avoid Mr,Scott*

"i want 50 copies of this project "

I grab those papers and went away, after the copies i put them silently on his desk and went back to my desk, at the lunch break i didn't left my desk after Mr,Scott had lunch i went to grab mine, in the evening when i was about to leave the office i reached the elevator, everyone was gone but someone said 

"Are you really avoiding me? "

"Why would im going to avoid you? "

"Don't answer my question with a question "

"if you know the answer why are you asking me "

"Avoiding me is not going to light your weight from your past"

"wh.. What do you wabt to say? "

"You are divorced, i don't know the reason but i can say that's why you are avoiding me "

"im leaving "

"i never kissed anyone before you, you are the first person who touched my soul"

His words melt my heart and his words persuade me to think for him, after that our relationship starts to grow we start to had lunch and dinner together, he gave me the key to his heart which he was saving from years, and the day come when my bad luck again entered in my life*

Max"From today Mr, Lugar Evans going to work in our production department "

I don't know but Lucase was not happy and at the lunch he told me*

"i want you to stay away from him "

"Who? "

"Lugar,he is my old rival, we studied together but i bought his company and he became my rival, he did everything to deceive me,?"

"But im yours don't you believe in me"

"Afcouse i believe you, it's him i don't believe "

"ok i will take care of this let's go now"

We shared a kiss and head back to the office, while i was working Max told me that, Lugar want me to brief the new project in tomorrow morning*

Next day i was ready for the briefing but couldn't found Lugar anywhere, than at time on going home he called me in the meeting room *

"Sir may i come in"

"yes please come in"

"are you ready to hear the briefing "


When i was done lugar smiled at me at asked me out, i just feel that he found out about me and Lucase*

"um sorry sir but i don't have time for other activities "

When i was about to go he grabbed my hand and push me towards him and said *

"come on, you know what I mean, i want you to give me some pleasure and i will give you all the money you want"

After hearing that i slapped him and left the office, Next day i met Lucase but i didn't tell him anything, in next two weeks  everything was calm and good, Lugar didn't try to talk to me after that and i was happy for that*

Next day me and Lucase we had a date, He officially announced about our love, after the dinner he dropped me home and went away, when i entered in my home i heard some voices 
"Tonight you are looking beautiful "
I was shocked at the voice owner it was Michael *

"what are you doing here, and how did you came in? "

"im your husband i know you more than anyone, i know where you hide extra keys"

"you have been following me "

"Yes or how may im going to know that you are dating that much rich person "

Someone shout from behind me *

"i was touched to seer her love for him, when she slapped me but will he going to accept her after watching her in our bed"

"Lugar, you, Lucase was right about you, you are a dog, im calling the cops "

Lugar grabbed me from behind and break my phone, *

"No you are not because you are happy to make love with me "

He pushed me to the floor and ripped of my shirt in two pieces 

*No, don't, Lucase will kill you when is going to find that you rapped me "

"Com on now Alex im not going to rape you, im going to fuck you with your permission "

Micheal took out an injection and set a camera, he inject my neck and everything near me get blurry, they took me to the bed, and Lucase took of his clothes and mine and Michael start filming *

"ahhh you are more beautiful than before,"

He was kissing me and his hands was on my bare skin, he was doing this to screwed Lucase future, to make a scandal on him, after two hours of sex when he was done, they left me their naked*

*Next day i was in shocked but i took a bath and left my apartment for office, when i entered in the office Max told me that everyone is gathering in the meeting room for new commercial first saw, i get my file and entered in the meeting room and Lugar and Lucase was sitting shoulder to shoulder at the meeting table i sit in front of them and everyone eyes turn on to the screen ,after 10 seconds of video suddenly last night video get on 

"ahh you are beautiful than before ,i always wanted to be that close to you, i hate when, Lucase touched you "

Everyone was looking at the screen and than left me and Lucase was looking at each other, when he was about to leave ,i speak up*

"Lucase, it's not like what you think, i have been rapped "

"Really than why aren't you crying and screaming? "

"i wanted to scream but he injected me, he and my husband break into my house last night "

"Your husband right, who left you because of someone else, why he wants to sleep with you again."

" i don't know, he and Lugar are friends "

"stop already with your lies Alex"

"im not lying, Lucase Lucase"

No one was believing, i didn't feel that much hopeless in my whole life, even Lucase is not listening to me, He thinks i did that on purpose,*

That was the time when a person who i love the most left me, my eyes were filled with tears, our eyes which use to see the same dream, our eyes who use to look at the same way, why they are not together anymore, our paths are different now,that night when i went back to my apartment i was completely hopless and crying, i called Lucase and he picked up the phone *

"Lucase "
"what? "
"Lucase, please listen to me it's not what you think"

Suddenly someone grab me from back and my phone slipped from my hand when i turn around it was again Michael and Lugar*

"we met again "

"what are you doing here now, you got everything that you want,"

"Baby, baby calm down that night we hurt you so much even you get fainted, tonight you can scream, you can cry loudly while im going to fuck you "

"No, don't you dare come near to me"

And that night Michael and Lugar rapped me again and after they went Lucase came to my house *

"Alex, Alex wake up please God wake up Alex"

"Nooo don't please heeeeeelllppp,Noooooooo"

"Alex wake up it's me Lucase "

I lost my senses and Lucase took me to the hospital, there doctors treat me but i was still in bad condition *After 2 days Lucase bought a new company and start his business with Michael, that night i asked Lucase*

"Those people who destroyed me, insulted me, why are you working with them "

"i want to destroy those who hurt you, who touched you "

"Lucase, i know we can't be together like before i will forget everything that happened between you and me like a dream you can start your new life"

"so you want me to move on "


"Than marry me"

"what "

"That's how we can start a new life, marry me"

That night was also like a dream i said yes and we start our wedding shopping *

After 2 days we all met in the meeting room where Lucase told Lugar to make a new commercial theme and Lugar agreed, 
Lugar asked Lucase that how much money is he invested in this commercial and Lucase answered 50 Lac , our relationship was still hidden from everyone, and in the day of commercial selection ,Michael company invest 97.5 Lac in the new commercial and industry dropped the idea, Michael company had a big lost and Lucase refused to help him , Michael lost everything and his company stuck under the debit,  
Me and Lucase got married everything get settled again it was the day when i started my new happy life.
That was the love without Lust. 


  • May 20, 2017

  • May 21, 2017

  • May 21, 2017

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