ӨF ƧƬΛЯƧ ΛПD FIЯΣ -(chapter III) Revealed From The Outside
Read Count : 132
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
The City Of Phonir was full of people, mostly Guardians, Knights and Expendables. We were there to celebrate the new system, I of which, was part of it. I was to be a Viper, and that means I would hunt down and assassinate enemies of our empire. Only two-hundred and fifty people were chosen to be Vipers; we get a special ceremony. "Honfi, step forwards." The Speaker ordered the person next to me. "Do you promise to uphold the promise of the Vipers?" "Yes" Honfi replied, terrified of the Speaker's glare. "Then, now you are offically Phonir's 16th Viper." Honfi leaped off the platform back into the crowd, carrying a large bag. I watched her for a second, before returning my attention to the Speaker again. "Slir, step forwards. Do you promise to uphold the promise of the Vipers?" "Yes" I replied confidently. "Then, you are now offically Phonir's 17th Viper." I ran off the platform, backflipping down onto the ground. I wouldn't fail the Pho. Rushing, I weaved through the crowd to the headquarters to get my first assignment. ------ ----- We need to prove our worth to the Rho. Yes, I agree. They are treating us with disrespect and disregard. But what should we do? Invade and conquer Earth. That shouldn't be too hard, so yes, let the games begin. ------ ----- "There have been... Problems... On Earth. A so called 'Alliance' in the west are refusing to die. We have dispatched of most of them, but they are proving a struggle. One of our spies, Apple, has reported that their leader is a human called 'Mark', but there is a new human that has joined their alliance and is quite a decent fighter, decent enough to survive a squad of our Guardians. Your mission is to take both of these targets out. Oh, and by the way, the new human is a female named Sapphire." The commander explained to me. "Yes, Madame. Should I go now?" "Of course." I rushed out the room, holding my bag in hand as I rushed over to the prep building. I chose a small room to change into my Viper suit, load my laser rifle and get my equipment ready. As soon as I finished preparing, I grabbed a biscuit from a dispenser and ran outside to get to the dropship. On the way, what looks like another Viper whispered to me from a bush. "Hey, you. Yeah, you. Get here, I have something to say." I looked around, making sure the Viper wasn't talking to anyone else, before shuffling behind the bush. "What's your mission? Tell me." "And why should I say?" "Because I'm.. Checking you remember your goal." "Nice try. You can probably lie better than that." I smirked. "Ugh, fine. Alright, you might not believe me, but we are being decieved. I was sent on a mission, and when I got there, I realised that I had been sent on a death mission. They wanted to dispose of me. Also, this is not the start of the Viper program, it has always been going on, and they haven't told you, or anyone." "What... I don't even know you... How do you know all this?" I replied, in shock. I obviously didn't believe him, it was impossible, but it also felt so true. If I was going to be sent down to Earth to assassinate someone who took out an entire squad of Guardians and a leader of an entire Alliance, then it really did seem like a death mission. "Maybe you are right, but how can I trust you?" "You have a reason not to trust me, but why would I spend time trying to trick you? If you do trust me, let me come with you into your drop pod. You don't have to listen to them, we can escape from their grasp." My head was buzzing, I didn't know what to do. I've been training all my life to be one of these Vipers, and suddenly I'm taken into a bush, told practically my whole life is a lie and I'm unvalued to the Pho. "I, I don't know... I've trained my whole life for this, and now your telling me it was for nothing..." "Well, it's not for nothing. You could use your skills in a different way. For something better, we could live on Earth away from all the terror you will get from here." "I, uh, I, I'll admit, it would be nice to be free from laws and restrictions, so maybe, yes. But first let me ask my sister if she will come. She really doesn't like the new system." Slir admitted, looking down to his feet. "Alright, be quick though." I sprinted over to where I last saw Honfi, and waited for her. Soon after fifteen minutes, a figure came out of the HQ, and of course, it was her. "Honfi, over here!" I whispered. "Slir? What are you doing? I thought you had your mission already?" "Shh, come and follow. Do you like the system?" "No, what are you implying?" "Come with me. We can escape this system and live a life without laws and restrictions." "This sounds great!" Honfi agreed unexpectedly quickly. "Let me get my things first" "Alright, meet me by drop pod-F89." "Okay!" She yelled as she ran hurriedly. I stealthily sprinted over to where the person I met earlier was, and I explained that she was getting her things and we were to meet at my drop pod. "She better hurry." And just like that, she was there, but not alone. Honfi was preparing some dark magic, while the three squads she had brought were aiming pistols at our heads. "Damn, you sure she is your sister or a SOB? Cuz it looks like she would make a great one." The person joked. "Run!" He suddenly yelled as he threw a smoke sack down. I leaped into the drop pod with the person, and just in time, the dropship launched into the air.
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