Too Much... Read Count : 114

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Too much pain 
To keep on going 
To much memories 
To forget too much of everything. 

I feel like I have tried everything 
I can’t keep doing this to myself 
I just can’t. 
The thought of going through this again 
It will take me to my grave. 

I won’t keep apologizing for my feelings
I can’t control what I feel but what I say. 

They treat me like I don’t know anything 
But what they don’t know is that I know 
Everything. I feel and see people pain too. 
But why they don’t see me? I could smile 
And they still buy that I’m okay. I guess 
I pretend very good. 

Correct me if I’m wrong but is it my fault? 
Is it my pain? Is it ever going to end? Many questions but never an answer. 

It’s too much, this pain....


  • Apr 11, 2018

  • Apr 11, 2018

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