Rain Chapter 1 Read Count : 110

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Childrens
Sometimes i wish i could be the rain even though i have an important life.I wanna be outta this buisness.So much work to do at home,thats why i like school because they don't work me to death.My name is Lake,wierd name huh?Ask my parents why they named me that.Although,i wish i did have the elements of water.I have blue hair because i begged my mom to make my hair look like water.I have braces the color of blue,and always wear my favorite sweater.Blue.And i'm a boy.Soon,the bell rang.It was time for lunch.Lunch is my favorite time in school so i can have nothing but water to drink and talk so much about it to my friends,although my friends keeps saying "Class is over."I didn't care though,atleast they learned something."I can't wait to go to my club!Theres a new memeber!"said one of my friends,Lacey.She have dark hair,freckles,and blue eyes like me."I hope we have a new member someday,"said my other friend Marco."I'm tired of looking at the same faces." Marco have orange hair,and green eyes.We were all now talking about clubs.Even me."My club is gonna talk about water someday i hope because i'm gonna force them to," i said proudly.All i wanted was water,blue,oceans and stuff like that.Most definitely,rain.I love playing in rain."Not everything have to be about you and water,"said Lacey.The boss of pretty much everyone."Besides,my element is fire!"then,Lacey pretended to shoot fire at me."If only you could melt,"she said.Then,after lunch we talked some more and then left for gym.It was a good time to talk to friends.

           Chapter 2 coming soon


  • Apr 10, 2018

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