Triple 2 Chapter 1 Read Count : 125

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
I woke up and did my morning routine. After I crawled under my bed and grabbed my diary. I wrote my day down in my diary.
 Dear Diary,
  Today is my first day at school. I'm very excited to see some new people and make new friends. The thing is... I'm becoming a sophomore and well... both of my friends moved. I'll have to make more! Well, that's all for now diary

I walked down stairs and saw my mom and dad fighting. My two older brothers shoved me down the stairs. I tumbled down and got up. I grabbed my lunch and left.

 I hopped into my blue Toyota. I drove down to my school and parked. Before I could walk in these three girls came over and pushed me two the wall. A teacher started yelling at them and the leader glared at me "You got away this time nerd!" She yelled. I just rolled my eyes and got up.

(Before I go any more I just wanted to say that Alta isn't really into boys)

I walked through the doors and saw a boy look at me. He poked at his glasses and walked into the library. "Ugh I can't deal with boys right now" I said. I started walking to my locker and those stupid girls came over. The emptied my locker and pushed me in. They took all my books! And my notes for the test!! 

I was stuck in there tell the bell rang. That one nerd came over and let me out. "Thanks" I said "No problem" he grinned. "What's your name?" I asked "Frederick. What about you?" He answered "I'm Alta" I answered "Cool name! Wanna meet at the library after school?" He asked "Sure!" I answered.

My day was actually going good and I already had a friend. I walked down to my class. He walked in too and we sat by each other. "Good morning class" "Good morning Mr. Reiko!" Everyone shouted "Today we are going to be reading Chapter 7 of Gold Mc Heder" He exclaimed. 

 We all got out our books. Frederick looked at me with a weird grin. His glasses fell so I went to pick them up for him. Turns out he went for them too. I got my hand on his glasses and then I felt a heavy feeling on my hand. I looked down to notice Frederick's hand on mine.

I just let go and started reading. After class me and him headed to the Library. We read these cool comics about Captain Underpants and stuff. He wasn't a nerd he just was smart and weird. Which is a nerd but he was cool and funny. He needed a ride home sense it was raining and the bus was out of order. He hopped in and we drove down his street. I dropped him off and left. We waved goodbye and then I drove back to my house.


  • Apr 11, 2018

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