New Rules Chapter 6 Read Count : 132

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
I didn't mind him holding me with his long blonde hair brushing his bangs out of his face. I liked it I felt like I actually had somebody who cared now that dad decided to almost divorce with Mom I worry and feel as if they don't care about me,sometimes I'll pray in church for them to get along. I feel him gently kiss me then I wake up. I end up at the house in my bed.he says "hello beautiful" I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.he asks "so this basicly makes us girlfriend and boyfriend right?" I nod "of course silly you just kissed me". Laughing I wake up and ask what time is it "6:20" he says "well I wanted to tell you that your parents texted you saying they are taking a trip to Florida". wow so im alone for the week I think. "Well I need someone to keep me company while there in Florida" I look around " wonder who im gonna ask?" I say "Austin wanna spend the week at my house?" I say "of course beautiful" Austin would say I'd hold Austin close crying on his shoulder."what's wrong?" He'd ask "I hope my parents are going to Florida to divorce" I'd hug him tighter "you really needed somebody who cared didn't you" I nod "oh Amanda im so sorry" he'd say

The end of New rules chapter 6   


  • HealthyMia Killer27

    HealthyMia Killer27


    Apr 10, 2018

  • Apr 10, 2018

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