Slayer Assassin Academy Ch 1
Read Count : 160
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
I look around the blank room trying to find a door after I don't see one I walk into the room, and the pod leaves behind me showing a hallway on the other side that I just look at. Then from the tunnel comes a walking sound and I wait for the person to show up, it is a boy who looks a bit younger than me and has tan white skin, dirty blonde hair, and hazel eyes. He motions for me to follow him but i still stand there not sure if i can that him he motions again for me to follow him so I do not wanting to stay in a emtpy blank room. We walk down the hallway and I notice the lights in the hall slowly get brighter as we progress still not saying a work he makes me stop and walks about 15 feet across the room ducking down halfway for some reason. Then in a voice that seems to be him trying to scare me he says only one word "Come," as he says that the floor in between us disappears. I think i know how to get there and I'm about to ask what do I do then rethink it and ask, "So, what cant i do to get over," "No Flying," he says, and I back up and get ready to run. I step back and charge forward and at the very ledge jump 4 no 5 seconds is how long I was in the air before I got hit with the clear panel over the middle of the chasm and I fall and I get disappointed that I might fall and get injured or worse, .not into the school but i hit the floor with a loud thud and I realize the floor is the same clear material. I practically yell at him flustered, "Why did you not say there was a floor?" "You never asked," he says with a big grin, " Hi Im Eli Marco and I am the student council adviser and greeter to new students". He had me follow him again through the passage and explains that the student council members are the top student in the highest classes and do alot of jobs like this year the will give the teachers a break and teach the classes for the year, I find this interesting but im still excited I didn't fail because of the jumping stunt I did. We approach a open room with a circle on the floor covered in grass and he explains, "this is where I will test not only your magic levels but your combat strength, lets see you are doing 4 magic classes 2 hand combat classes 1 weapon combat class and 1 potions class that will take your day from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday so let's get you all fitted up. We go and u pick my school uniform type which is black genes a black shirt, black sneakers, and a black long jacket. Next we walk over and he tells me the fight we have is just to test my strength and we start sparring hes is alot faster than me and quickly punches the back of my leg before he kicks me in the stomach and turns around and puts me in a headlock, I turn and lean back to fall and land on him then I rotate around and punch him in the chest we continue exchanging punches for about a hour but i don't l know if it really was a hour it felt like it though, he stops and says, "that's enough for now," and walk with me over to a crystal shaped like a sideways cube inside a balloon and has me put my hand on it and it glows brighter than the lights around us. He takes not of that and asks my name again and when I reply "Silver Dragoneel," he looks at me and seems not so suprised, "Makes sense your the snow dragons brother you look kinda like her and your fighting styles match," which I decide to take as a complement as he finally lead me up onto the campus and says "Silver, welcome, to Slayer Academy you will have fun here," and then he walks off to let me look at the campus in awe and i shout, "Silvia, here i come!"