My Dreams Read Count : 109

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
If i run away i would i come back home? Would i have to stay strong and forget about my family? i could not do that it would be to painful. Or maybe not that painful because if i am willing to run away i should be willing to stay away for awhile maybe not forever but i could stay hidden for a few months like for summer vk but i do need my friends they would support me on this unlike my parents or my siblings even my brother who wants to leave to would not support me that's why u need friends people because they support u no matter what unlike parents who do not always agree. I know it's supost to be the other way around but not all the time it is. Sometimes friends know more things about u than family and that's ok!

 P.S this is not true these are just story's about teenage life.


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