Set Me Free Chapter 2: The New Kid Read Count : 128

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
"Hello students. Before we get started, we have a new student joining our class. Why don't you introduce yourself?" A boy with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and dark clothes looked at the class. "I'm Seth. Seth Rivers." The class whispers about the strange boy as he sits down at his desk. Later on, at lunch, he looked around for a place to sit. He stared around and noticed a girl sitting by herself. As he went over, he saw a girl stand up and push the girls face into her food. He went over to the girl and gave her a napkin. He then went over to the bully. "You leave her alone. What the hell is wrong with you? You want people to do that to you? That's what I thought." He went and sat down with the victim. "Hi. I'm Seth. Seth Rivers. Are you okay?" The girl nodded and wiped her face off. "I'm June. June World." Suddenly, Seth heard someone yell, "Look, the new kids eating with the freak!" All the people in the cafeteria laughed as Seth stood up and took June by the hand to leave.


  • omg he is a flipping hero also i sense a connection from his past and her present!! 😄

    Apr 13, 2018

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