Gray Rose Page #26 Read Count : 113

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Night came faster than expected. She was sore and her legs numb.
"There's no use,I can't get to any road...and with help of the moon's shine...," she sits near a tre trunk,on a comfterble rock,"is just hopeless."

She started to think over what had happened to her lately.
But it all came back to her going back to the cabin.
A noice of cracking wood startled her. 
She stared into the darkness were the rumbling came from.
"Who Is there?" She called out strongly,standing back to her re-energized legs.

No reply. 
"Is that you Claude?" She called out.
Slowly she started to make out the figure's identity,and her eyes widened,leaving her body stiff and frozen in place.
And with a furious jump, the figure leaped to its prey with no mercy.


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