THE GAMES Read Count : 150

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
I woke up to the sound of screaming from the town square and means the reapings today,
I really hate the reaping but this year they will pick two boys and girls.

"Cotton wake up"i said trying to wake her up.

"What Cate" she asked?

"Its the reaping"i said

"Yes i hope we both get picked this year"she said encoraged

"Im going to go ahead and wake Priz up" i said.

"And ill wake mom up" she said

"Priz wake up we have to go to the reaping" i said

"Why i hate the reaping all you do is watch your family get killed" she said

"I know but if me and Cotton get picked we will win for you" i said 

" You promies"she asked

"Promies"i said

"Cate , Priz get dressed " mom yelled

"Well see you in a while" i said

Then i looked at the clock and it read 12:49 and dashed out Prizs room and into my room to get my fire like dress. After getting dressed and stuff i asked Cotton to braid my hair. Then we left and got there right on time and i saw a kid that i dont really know but i seen him a few times around the Hob and he had a really big crush on me.

As the lady comes and talks a little about the games she finally pulls out one name and she reads Peeta Everdeen, and then Cotton Mellark, Cato Doltion, and last Prizma Mellark and ask for volonters i rasie my had and she asks for my name i say "Cate Mellark".
At that moment i turned to Cotton and then Peets i think was his name and he just smiled.

"Cato you can take girl with the pink hair, and  Cake boy "My name is Peeta"he said. Okay you can take little girl on fire "My name is Cate"i said interupting. You can take her hand" he said.

"Hey Cate i think you have a crush"Cotton said 

"No i don't" I fire back at her


"Hey um.... you look really um.... cute in that dress" Peeta said

"Thanks you look good in that shirt" I said

"Okay Cate my name is Cellea and im your Cloths disginer hope fully you will love every thing i do and i love that dress im going to call you" Girl on fire"Cellea said.

"Okay my name is Austein and i am here to help yall win and not raw meat"he said

"Okay go and get two things from your house and come back we have 7 minutes before we leave to go to the Capitol" Austien said

As me, Cotton, Priz, and mom walked home Peeta ran into me 

"Cate im sorry i ran int...." its okay im fine" i said interupting him.

As we got a little bit close the house me and Cotton startded running so we can grab and go.
I went for my game bag and left and Cotton got her knifes and her game bag. As we were heading back to the train an old lady gave me a mokingjay pin and said" take it for good luck" so i took it and as we were half way there i heard a sound it sounded like screaming from the town square but then i looked up and saw a cloud of smoke and i saw District 3 getting bomed from the cloe mines thats when i thought about my dad about how he got killed in the cole mines from a boming.

"Come on lets go to the Capitol" yelled Austien

As we got on i heard someone crying and as i turned my head i saw Peeta crying i was mad because Cotton has to sleep with Cato and i have to sleep with Peeta. I think they know that we like eachother. 

" Cate are you afraid to die "Peeta asked

That was when i thought about my dad and his murder by the Capitol. I tryed not to cry and be strong. That was when Peetas voice got to me.
"No im not afraid to die" i said

"Okay mabey a little as" i started to cry a little

Then Peeta pulled me into his arms until we got to the Capitol. Then he got my atention
And i leaned in then we hit a bump and i went flying and Peeta cought me and pulled me up
 and that was when Austien came in and didnt make a sound.

"Okay love birds come on " said Austien

"Okay dad " me and Peeta said at the same time

Then Peeta leaned in to kiss me but i playfully pushed him away then Cotton came in and  just sat there smiling.

"Okay Cate come on and lets go "she said

"Cotton dont do that you scared me and cake boy and how long were you watching us"i asked

"About 3 minutes" she answered with a chuckel

"Such a stalker" Peeta said to her

"Okay cake boy"she said
When we got of the train people were suprized to see teenagers. And at that moment Peeta reached for my hand but i didnt pull away i just let him take my hand and hold it tight.

"Peeta" i ask

"Yes Cate"he asked

"Dont let my hand go" i tell him

"Cate and Peeta come with me and i will show you what you must where to dinner" said Cellea

"Are you ready Cate" he asked

I nod my head afraid to talk and say something wrong

"Girl on fire you can where this dress and handsom boy you will where this"she said to both of us

I run my fingers over the silk colors red, orange, and yellow . Then i go get dressed and put on my shoes i wore at the reaping. When i get out Peeta just sits there in suprize and i stare at his design wich is the same besign as me

"Cate you look amazing" he said

"You look like my twin exept for the hair" i said 

We both laugh and look at eachother and then we both meet. Peeta brings a pice of hair out of my eyes and looks at me.

"Cate i lov..."Okay lets go to dinner" says Cellea as she interups Peeta

"Okay give us a minute" Peeta says

As Cellea leaves im drawn back to Peetas eyes 

"Cate i love you" he says as he leans in to kiss me i dont move it feels like i have no bones in my body to move

After that we both head to dinner and when we walk in everyone just stared at us 

"Their they are "says Austien breaking the scilence

"Cake boy and Girl on fire" he says




  • Skyleigh Ploskonka

    Skyleigh Ploskonka


    Mar 24, 2018

  • Shalyn Putman

    Shalyn Putman

    do you mean good luck not hood

    Mar 25, 2018

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