The 3 Little Pigs. Read Count : 121

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Childrens
Once upon a time there the 3 little pigs, who lived with there mother they were poor so they couldn't afford enough money to spend on all four of one day there mother told them all to go out and find your selves a new house.
The littlest pig set of and built his house out of straw. It didn't look very strong  although the little pig thought it looked very stong.

WoW. This house is amazing. I bet the other pigs haven't built a house as good as this one. I am going to built a fire place. 

After a few days of settlement in his new home a big bad,scary wolf came along and he huffed and he puffed and he blew the little pigs house down.

Help. I am getting chased by the big bad wolf. What's the matter said the second pig. I am getting chased by the big bad wolf who wants to eat me  answered back  the youngest pig.

Quick get inside shouted the second pig. My house is a bit stronger than your house, he might not be able to blow the house down.

But he was wrong the big bad wolf blew the little pigs house down. HELP. Quick get inside shouted the third pig. Let 's trick the wolf by sending him down the chimney.

Help shouted the big bad wolf I am falling down the chimney. Yes we did it they all shouted  in joy and happiness.

The end.


  • Tamara Entwhistle

    Tamara Entwhistle

    interesting and inspiring story about how we can help each other and well written, well done

    Mar 24, 2018

  • L.O.L Don't try selling it. But nice changes from the original version.

    Mar 24, 2018

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