Evil Ever After (Season 1, Ep 1)
Read Count : 129
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Snow was running. She didn't know for how long, or how fast. But she knew she couldn't stop running, ever. The Queen was after her. Her own Stepmother, Vain and Evil as she was, had never stooped this low. That morning, the Queen had summoned The Huntsman to her court. "Lungs and Liver, Arix. If I don't see her Virgin organs on my plate before the eve of dawn, I will have your head." The Queen ordered. Arix bowed his head in dismay, knowing that she had indeed meant it. "Yes, My Queen." He replied. "In expense, you will recive 2 tenths of gold tokens." Arix gasped. Twenty? That was enough to nearly live off of. "Do I have your word, Huntsman?" The Queen said, breaking his own thoughts. Arix thought, and said the words that would seal his fate like a letter. "On my head, Your Highness." (Present Day) Amy closed the book, hearing an loud groan from her class. Did any of them know... did any of them know that this was HER own story? Her story, when she was The Virgin Princess? How she had ran so fast, hiding with the 7 Dwarves? Oh, how she missed her homeland... The once great and elegant castle, with marble hallways, that in which had once held the most marvelous dances in the Eastern Land? Oh, but how it had changed. The once white-washed walls, now stained black from age and lack of care, with poison ivy trailing up the walls, with moss and mold growing in between every brick. All of the peasants weeping, sobbing because of their homes taken from them, because they'd not payed taxes, nor had they worshiped The Queen. Snow had deep pity for them, stuck in between the walls of her heart like the moss growing in between bricks of a once fabulous castle.