Maybe I Should Read Count : 135

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
When im left alone (like most everyday) i start thing, crazy thoughts. And today i thought maybe i should. I also thought about all the people who would miss me. all the people who would come and see me
Amost no one. then i kept thinking, 
I would be better without me. One less mouth to feed, one less person to worrie about, one less bother to the world. Then i thought about all the thing my brother said to me like
"no one wants you mom only tolerates you" and "remind me again why your alive" or "your such a parasite" or "you were an accident"
Then i thought about all the friends i lost over stupid choices maybe i should


  • My oldest brother, still tells me that. To be honest I despise most of my family.

    Mar 24, 2018

  • Cali mitten

    Cali Mitten

    My mom told me she wished she had an abortion with me.. she chose random guys over me and my siblings, said we worthless. But we’re not, we all have our own purpose for existing and each one of us are supposed to be here so keep your head up and keep trying, edventually things will get better

    Mar 24, 2018

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