Yo, Congress! Read Count : 147

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Let me make sure I understand this. You guys just got back to D.C. from a two week recess on Monday. You're there for 5 days and now you're taking another recess? REALLY? 

First of all, how can the rest of us get a gig like this?

But seriously, in case you didn't notice, the Republic is in crisis.  We really, really need you to focus. You can start by treating the Russia-Trump investigation like something more important than renaming a post office.

Why not consider doing this? Keep your asses on the Hill and PRIORITIZE this investigation!!!

The Senate is in the process of "scheduling" Jim Comey to testify, sometime after Memorial Day. Why not Monday next week? Where is your collective sense of urgency?

We need to get this investigation completed so that all guilty parties can be properly punished, that includes Russia.

C'mon, get serious!


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