The Girls Who Lived Part 2 Read Count : 111

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
I'm not sure If I can continue writing this. It doesn't feel good to get it out on paper. This is making it worse. How do people write diaries and journals? My therapist said that I have to work through the pain of the awful memory, she told me that I'm a born fighter. So I will continue.

    “ whose basement? How long have we been out for?” I was in a dazz, I had to have been hallucinating! I thought. I looked around and was everyone was a mess. Every one was blond, their hair was greasy, and their colors looked like they have been put on wrong.

“ you guys have been out for a day, I think. I lost track of time a while ago.” a voice chirped in.

“ who just spoke? What's happening, or what happened?” I was shaking, and Kate could feel it.

“ the person was me, Caroline. I'm surprised that word hasn't spread around the school yet, ‘the girl missing for days.’” she said like she was about to cry.

Just after she said that we all heard footsteps and they all yelped like they were about to see death.

“ Hello, girls! Oh Kate, Jess, I'm so glad your up! I thought my buddies hear heart you guys, no one wants a concoction. It can leave to brain damage to the baby's.” she said acting like a cute evil puppy. He walked over to kate and I then crouched down thereto eye level why did you girls try to fight my friends here


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