WHEN YOU'RE DREAMING-1 Read Count : 111

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
You're dreaming of me every night when you're fast asleep I'm so so real in your dreams

I'm making your body scribble and Shake I'm loving you all around without letting your feet ever touching the ground 

I'm loving you up I'm loving you down I'm loving you fast and I'm loving you slow I'm taking you where you need to be

 I'm taking you there you're floating on clouds of air

 I'm taking your body here and there in your dreams near nor far will keep me from going knee deep into your body mind I will not stop until I have full control of your soul

My only desire is to take you to paradise

 Let's take a chance with the roll of the dice to see just how lucky we are at love

 I'll let you win everytime if you promise to be kind with my heart when you're through with loving it

 Just stay close to me stay close by my side stay with me for all time

 We can wine and dine on each other every day and every night just unwinding into each other before the morning sunrise and then the dream is over

That will be so very nice the night is just right the feelings are running wild inside your mind

 There's no control of the forest fire burning inside my soul that you have a tight hold on

 Now you have full control of my soul and 6it's winter time and it's cold outside 

 I feel nothing but warmth in my soul Snow melts beneat my hot burning feet that is warmed by the fire of my soul that you processed in me

 Summer time is here even though it's dead cold winter out

But when we're together it's aways fall winter spring that brought us the warmth of summer time no matter when it is day or night

We both wins from the roll of the dice for its all about you and all me throughout the night

Morning sunrises and you awaken to a beautiful day but the only thing missing is me

When you're dreaming tonight you will be dreaming of me once again and again until the sunrise is when you're dreaming of me ends

Larry Perry, Sr.


  • nice work

    Mar 21, 2018

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