Welcome To Kingdom Of The Dead P2 Read Count : 150

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
Previously what had happened in the series, Elmreich the odd ball followed his friends to a forest after school and they discovered a immature witch ritual circle. It only drawn crooked with spray painted but Kayo the nieve freakish  peverted boy was to see it. He trapped into his wild love of witch girl anime and crush on actress playing Princess Ai Rinoku "Yes,Master.." anime.

His deranged mind soaked up filthy thoughts that later night from the forest. As he entered home and taken a lukewarm shower and eaten  dinner with his mother Kairi.

She looked at him with black raven eyes and warm smile as she eat her deliocus rice, with carrots. 

"son,how was school today?" 

"Ohh. school was fresh and interesting.."he said as he tries to hid the fact of him go to forest. He takes a bite of his food.

"Well what did you learned?"

"Ummm, Learned ."

"Yes,Learned Kayo or did you skip school today?" she eyed her son with sharp stared.

"No, me and the boys were in class. Infact,i had the homework from all my  classes."

"Oh Really?!"

"And you with the boys hangout after class too?"


"You wouldnt mind ,if i made a phone call?"

"Umm, No." he shrugged as his mother warmly smiled again and left the kitchen. She went to the laundry room and picked up the house phone.the otherside of Elmreich mom  phone line rings and Kayo started to breathe hard. He got up his seat and went to the coat rack for his phone. He dialed Elm and Elms phone kept ringing.

"Come on,Elm. Answer the Goddarn phone.."he said under his breath and his mother put the phone down to check on Kayo. She peep in the kitchen and Kayo already ran back to his chair eating his food. He hid the phone between his legs. Then his mother walk away and put the phone back in her ear.

"Come on,Elms answered the phone."  she said as she wrapped the coil around her fingeres. At the same time,Kayo was waiting for Elmr3ich to  pickup and the end  line stopped for once.


"Elmreich,quick if my mom calls there and ask your mom few question about today. Please say that we went to the library to study."

"Well first of all,why is my mother first to be called? There also Bryce and shindo too."

"Umm Well, they had my back and my mother not really cool with them."

"So What your saying is i do not have your back?" Elm inferred in slightly dark voice with his eyes brow raised seriously.

"No, it is not that at all."

"Then What is..Kayo?!

"look your my pal but you kind don"t trust me."

"Trust is understatement. I think your not smart in your actions. Your fetish for these girls on tv need to stop."

"Stop..is abit admanet." Kayo snarled at Elm commentary "i can"t stop watching "Yes,Master.!" Ai my love is cutie and very bewitched!"

"Oh now,i see. Your skirmish trip to the forest came from the fantasy of K.O Misanme."

"It not a fantasy, it a dream to be in love with girl like that.."

"Oh please,girls with big hooters and thin waist. They wear cosplay costume like that would never be interested in US."

"Yes,They Will Some Day. You as my buddy gotta cover me on this. If my mother find out,i went out to forest itsss my tush on the block with my dad."

"Whats up with him?"

"Ugh, he sort of like mafia leader anddd all i need you to do is say we at the library."

"As much as i want you to atone for this lies, your as helpless as baby. I can"t fanthom your undoing."


"So i makeup sonething to say but...i keep a stern eye on you..." Elmreich being frank with Kayo. He really see Kayo as jerk and some type of slimy person. He only put up with it because kayo couldnt stand up himself.soon, he will reach a point of tolerancy. Then kayo has to atone someway.

He were reliefed to hear Elm would help him out and do so, he got off the phone and put away his dish. He then  on his way upstairs bump to his father Venson.

"Hello Son."


"Hows School?! "

"Its a learning Experiment!"


His father took off his shoes and coat    in the house. He then go to bathroom and wash his hands. His wife
Kairi got off phone with the Elms household

"Son, you be happy to know that Elms checked your story."

" Well That great."

"It sure.is..save you from the chopping block..right love?"

"Oh yeahh you wouldnt get popped ,Son?"

"Oh No" he said hesistantly as he hear his dad sharpen a chef knife infront of him. "Im going do my homework now."

He ran up the stairs and close his bedroom door. He looks at his "Yes Master!" poster of Princess Ai. He bows to her and let his heart calm down.

"Only you, goddess saves me from this world..." he steps back and turn the televison. He glance back at his school books.."Should i study for you,princess? What would you say?"

A puff of imagination occurs in  Kayo head as imaginative voice murmurs Kayo lonliness. He shakes his head and gets out his math homework ,read the question back.forth from watch next episode "Yes, Master!"

He heard  the theme song coming on and he sings along "Wake up on a lovely day and see my pals face is pure grace. We spend nights and days forever but my love will always be my master..."(music pause) 

"ohhh yes, myy love always my master. She is a monster. I never say Yes Sir..." (kayo cried out singing then sang the last words  "i call her Yes Master!"

The music from the anime heard throughout the walls and deep underneath the pit of Hell. It travels down to the Kindgom of the underwolrd.

Where the bones underneath ground were just bones but the soul lingers to hell for unforgiving deeds and began to do satan (Tahar) will to be favor on heaven second chance list. Those know that bid favors was accept harsh labors. Many criminals and peoplle didnt make through "I offer my soul to any bid to be in Heaven list" pledge.

Satans were not displeased but enetertained. He told his sleeping wife Kokaran whom was oridnary common woman believed in the afterlife and buried to the stake, souls after soul refuse to repent by reborn from their sins. She still lays in her slumber bed in a coma that rest her dark powers.

While Tahar rules the throne of ruthless repentance,his daughter Katara Amon Rei cook up chaos in the world of livi ng but also micro managed partnership with Rogue Grim Reaper. Her magic kept the balance of light and darkness from shifting . She too was watching humans from distance.

She has the skullscope where she seens all type of events happening and at the current time, she flip between realms for entertainment. A knock at the door and she yells Come IN!"

Her trusted  companion and captain of the undead army Senttri enters through the door. She kneals at the throne in the palace of Eternal decade.

"Sentri! My love, what hathvens you bring to me?" she said as she plops down from her chair and picks herself up.

"My Master....i...(Sentri paused and look at the skullvision viewing humanish cartoon) "you are a fan of this sick twisted play?"

"Your master is quite amused of the human make believe entertainment."

"I find it Vulgar."

"Well humans worship it for quarter half a hour."

"Entreated, they think hell like this.."

"Who cares? Their following their own sins to be down here. Especailly thid human boy." Princess Rei picks up the remote and turns to another station. She looks at the skull sees a boy drooling in his sleep.

"What so special about him?" sentri asked her master as she look closely at the boy. Rei smirked and  channeled her intelluctual sense to read the boy soul.

"Hes a prevert fool and had countless actions from past dig his hole. He worship this entertainment but fact hes into worship his master."


"Sentri, we going to raise some hail Mary up there.!" she giggles loudly but it was evil.

"Your father forbids you to not go up there."

"I am.not going up therre!" she said in her demonic voice as her red demon  
Takeover her human flesh and now with red horns. "You and your comrades go amongst the living to investigate this boy. Eat, breathe but not transform to goodness of others. In a months Timmme, Bring me a Hell O Report."

Yes,master . Before i go, i have the results from the last war with half angels and GrimReapers."

"Let me have a look." she leans over as Sentri shows her the report on her tablet. She then pulls back and summons her scelptor to her hands. She then use her dark forbidden spell "lataia Exoon Extraccttt!" 

She hit the ground with her staff and trembles into giant ring of darkness. She gets up and see souls of half GrimReaper perishing in the no return eyehole. "Artemis Armies sure did put up a fight for souls on Michaelangelo list."

She walks away and then her red eyes turn black, she enflames the holes of no Return. "Go ahead and bring back them."

Sentri nodded and  she summons her skull staff, then did  a combo twister to divert the on going hurricane in the ground. She stops it and then stick her staff to call forth reccent dead souls "I call forth Laertes and the minus division..Step into my flames!"

Blue flames surroind the twister in the ground and the flames travel all the souls called to the surface. Then Sentri release her staff and rematerialze the ground with her magic. After that she goes to her master side and the souls bows to Princess Rei.

She smiles and then summonz Sentri report to her hands. She stares at her minature army long then scorh them with her pink flames.

"Aww, you poor soliders are hurt.Patheic." she mocks their pain but she has to deal with useless talented humans because her father has the real army zombies, vampire, etc. He got the power to overturn night and day to darkness forever.

"We lost a good handful of souls. Down here, i have not enough slaves. So what Happened?!"

"well um my leash, Artemis army had special weapons."

"Yeah, they arre holy aointed with holy water."

"And who responsible for the lead tactics?!" she asked them all as she scan their skullfaces. "Who ?!"

"I am.." Vizel said as he step foward and her head stretch to him directly. He became frozen.

"How could you let this happen and Your captain taken by Artemis sirens?"

"They were kind ann gave all of us a proclamation. We back off,our sins be repentance in due time..." 

Laertes was head captain of minus divison. He fallen to persuasion of the enemy and rest talk among self about  the proclamation. Sentri shock and say nothing, while Rei gets up.

"No Execuses. Your leader had fallen and.. .." the ground shakes again as raven burning to her feetsteeps lays up. All were startled and observe bird. The raven steps back and open its mouth. He view a message from Cloudseven headquarters.

"Listen Here Girlie, your army lacks crude order and the captain repent for his sins. There no return for him, but the souls on Archangel list has already to be considered claim. Therefore, you cannot call war for no reason."

"Dam you Artemis." she screams at the raven. "those souls commit a crime and foul play, you had your sirens."

"I am sorry, princess but i call as i see it. If you raid war on our terf again, we will take you down and purify you all to dust."

"Dust. We already dead and can be summon back here again."

"Oh i forgot that your safe haven. However, i have the power to banish these souls out of existance not really. You just watch yourself!"  

"Master!" Sentri knealed to Princess Rei and her army kneal too.

"Curses ."

"Rei, what happened?! Her father stormed in as he walk toward her with his black hood on.

"My battle was pointless and i lost laertes."

"You shouldnt raise hell with no ammunition. Yes we do play with souls but only by the book."

"i want slaves and to rule both worlds."

."Haha , You sound like your mother. If i had a son, he be out in the graves with me."

"This is not laugh matter. I need to cause damage."

"A thousand and 600 ages old, your lust of power is showing. I can only give you limit room to grow."

"Well then, i command my army to capture bring down any souls of living in bad nature."

"Yes ma am." her army vanishes from her prescence and then she looks at her father. "how your war going?!

"Its get very hot. The guardians tries to protect their souls collecting. They even try to gather at your mother grave."

"She has the power like yours to control humans and get them be evil."

"Yes but i need you to protect the throne. While i lead the grimreapers to otherside."

"All fine and fine." she watchs her dad leave then look at Sentri. "One day, therre will be a overturn of darkness. I need you to go living. ".

"Yes, Master " she transform in a human form and looks up at the princess. Rei eyes glanced through the emptyness of S3ntri. She nodded at her off.

"Not tempting enough..." she waves her hands over sentri body and refigured her into a cliche schoolgirl apperance. "Much better. Now those pervert human boys can taste of their envy."

Umn, Master.."Sentri Sqeaked as she see  her enromos breast jiggly covered halfway with an skimpy boring school uniform." i think its bit too much."

"No it just right because we are about to PLAY these humans till they find out, what their doing."

"So me dressed in a blue green vest with pencil flapped skirt and medium long blue hair is appealing in what way!"

"its not suppose to but you act as the tough and protective of your friends. Namingly, one of them Ayami."

"And What Role is she playing?! "

"My dear pal, the best one yet..." she points to the Skullvision and direct her goal at Yes Master! Anime main character Princess Rinoku. "Oh Ayami..!"

(Ayami puffs in flames as she ascended and kneals to Princess Rei.)

"Sweet,childish Ayami, i found a task for you.since.you beg to.do anything to erase your bad reputation. I give you time to payback your mistakes."

"O Thank you Great leader.." the girlie says in tears as she been down from duty and work with few slaves there. She was in shackles.

"My task for you both to represent as mercernies. You walk among the human and exercise judgement."

"Yes.ma am." the two comrades spoke gladly. The other girl Ayami raise her hand. 

"Yes, Ayami."

"why cause chaos if no motive.?"

"Because this boy right here "she points to Human teen kayo in her screen"Foam.at the mouth and think we can save his mis3ry. He worship his lust. I the princess here are not lust object ."

"I am the Nightmare you dont want to meet. This is Hell!"She yells and the ground quake release fire that cause volanco eruption near islqnds.

Civilians: oh my, somethn has made irashi the volcano erupted. Somethn in name of .....!"(running around)

Artemis hurries and run to his captain. He kneal inside of hall of virtue.there seven angels are in congregate with spirit guide. 

"My Master."

"i know,Artemis."

"What should we do about her?"

"Let her play, the kiddo inbetween our worlds. He hasnt pray to our lord truly. So his fate is center of his destiny."

"hes a minus one in our books."

"The council of us here dedicded to let human learn their ways. If he truly want a fresh start,we will save him."

"I understsnd.m"***

Artemis leaves the council and runs away. He pray to his lord to protect human kayo. An his master look up, he smiled and blow away clouds.

"For your own good,let him learn like you did." the voice from the halls of virtue. "You were as trouble as him. His soul is different."

Artemis listened and then still walk away. Michael look away and be surround with his collegiates.


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