SilvEr V1. The Extinction Begin
Read Count : 101
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
December/ 20/ 2092.( 7pm) Alaska. Report Computer: Oruz The company Elizter take control of Alaska particules collector facilitie I was in control of everything to make sure the world consul doesn't find out about the activities in the complex. The company was sitt down 2 years ago a massive explosions in the tractor killed 30 people any activity was cancelled no personal it was allowed in or out. The company continues working they believe that they can finish the particles collider which would give them a gateway to travel to any place in the universe in just seconds. Using the black holes basic information they continue with the experiments with not know that they would be responsible for humanity extinction. December/25/2092/ A new method to use the atomic energy particles was employ with the Antarctic facility combination working at the same time the gateway was finally open that's why they think instead 2 gateways appeared one in Alaska the other in Antarctica. The power of the particules colliding create a massiv earthquake a cross the planet creating destruction around the world somting never seen before.