Mistake's Who's To Blame? Read Count : 105

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
When mistake's are made, who's the first to blame?

Between two different men, but are the same in name says the man!

I'm wrong, you're right!

What do that makes me, what do that makes you?

I make's mistakes, you make's mistakes...

I lived in the Hood, you lived in Hollywood...

What do that makes me, what do that makes you?

I makes mistakes, you makes mistakes...

I'm poor, you're rich!

What do that makes me, what do that makes you?

I makes mistakes, you makes mistakes...

I'm uneducated, you're educated...

What do that makes me, what do that makes you?

I makes mistakes, you makes mistakes...

I ride's the bus, you drives a Porsche!

What do that makes me, what do that makes you?

I makes mistakes, you makes mistakes.

My life is hard, your life is easy.

What do that makes me, what do that makes you?

I makes mistakes, you makes mistakes...

I lived in a home with three rooms, you lived in a home, with rooms you never see...

What do that makes me, what do that makes you?

I makes mistakes, you makes mistakes...

I was blind, now I see, with wide open eyes to see, who's mistakes it is to blame...

I m black, you're white.

What do that makes me, what do that makes you?

I makes mistakes you makes mistakes...

Black man is the first to blame for a mistake.

Blame is shame for the black man's mistakes...

Although we are still the same, by blood but different by different name, say's the man...

We all bleeds the same color blood, (RED), say's the man.

By the love of God, we are both to blame for our mistakes!

No matter if you're black or white.

The only difference is by name, because the blood  remains the same. 

Flooring throughout our veins...

Shared blame has no shame, for man, who's mistakes is his to blame.

No matter who's the blame, there's no right or wrong.

When it comes to who's the blame, because we are still the same, in his name.

Being human, mistakes will come and mistake's will go. 

Black, White or whatever the situation might be..

God says believe in him.

Regardless where you live or have lived. 

We're all the same, in his name...

Mistakes, who's the blame? 

Remember in his name, we are both to blame for the shame in his name.

Different by name, but we all bleeds the same color blood (RED) that makes us the same in his name to take the blame!


Larry Perry, Sr.


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