Choices Part 4 Read Count : 139

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
Choices part 4 

It was a beautiful evening in the town of summerset were Sara and Tony went on there romantic time away. Sara sat on the beach, Tony would look at her, her long blonde hair would blow softly in the cool summer breeze. The sun beamed on her cheeks and she just looked around she smiled then took a long deep breath.

Tony was happy to see her smile and happy, she was happier than she had been for a long time. She said in her soft voice "I don't want to leave this place it's quiet and beautiful and I feel free."

Tony looked at her and smiled "I know" he said. 

It was very beautiful yet Tony knew she was even more beautiful in the sun.

As he relaxed he allowed himself a chance to think things over in his head. Sara was his life and as he sat back he said to himself "I really didn't want to take her back home, back to all the problems." In fact he was just as scared of taking her home and loosing her if she had another breakdown. He held her hand and said "You just sit back and enjoy the sun, try not to worry and we will make the most of our time here. Don't think about back home, ok."

She looked at him and smiled and laid back in the sun. 

Later as they headed back to the cottage dark clouds come over the town. They had got back just in time before it suddenly began to pour down with rain. Sara sat back in a rocking chair looking out the window at the rain. Tony lit the fire to warm up the cottage and cooked a meal then ate it by candle light.

A few hours passed and the storm was still raging above them. The evening meal was lovely and then they cuddled up by the fire with their blanket and Coco.

Tony looked at Sara and told her how much she meant to him. She looked up at him with her beautiful blue eyes then they kissed and made love. 

It was such a romantic and peaceful evening that they didn't want it to end. The days passed and it was soon time for them to head home. They drove back and Sara looked out the window, her face sank causing it to go from happy to sad.

Tony put his hand on her hand "It's gonna be ok, we'll get home settle in and watch a film, ok." He said.

Sara nodded and after a long drive home that is just what they did.

A few days passed and it was time for Tony to go back to work. He couldn't help but worry while he was away but luckily Sara was managing, she seemed happy. She told him to go and not to worry to much so he went and he checked in on her from time to time. It was hard for him to accept she was happy, he worried she was hiding everything.


  • Nice and tranquil scene. I like it.

    Mar 21, 2018

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