When Failure Can Be A Plus Read Count : 143

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
Winston Churchill said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts."

Look at the inventors throughout history, failure is part of the equation for success. 

When a stream is blocked by an obstacle, it works at going around. We can do that also when failure tries to derail our lives. We can use a different angle of attack to work toward success.

The problem is, we have been influenced to believe failure is so bad it cannot be recovered from. But if that were true, nothing would ever be improved.

We need to KEEP believing when failure comes to knock at our door. If we change our mindset about failure, we will be more happy and willing to keep pursuing success.

But we must learn from each failure, not take it so personally, that we miss out on the blessing that awaits us if we choose to continue instead of quitting.


  • I'm so afraid to fail at writing that I have not started anything.

    Mar 21, 2018

  • Dan Langerock

    Dan Langerock

    It is normal to be afraid to do something new, but as you kerp practicing your writing will get better and better. I have gone through this process since childhood, and you can too. Take small steps and keep going. Good luck and let me know how your journey is going. Thanks

    Mar 21, 2018

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