PORTAL Pt3 Read Count : 55

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
"P-powerful?" I ask. "Or, are you mistaken." "I was born here," The man said. "You came through the gateway." "What the watt is a gateway?" I ask. "A portal?" "A high-technological force forcing nouns or elements through the force without
..." He probably saw I was confused because he said, "Yeh, in yer werds a portal." "I am Droyce," I say. "Your name is Ole?" "How the hwittservenner do ye know me name?" Ole yelled. "I swear my toes will crunch when you say my 2nd name!" "Ole..." I ask. "Beckersman?" "Holy fallesnooddle!"  Ole yelled. 
"I am Droyce Ole Beckersman III." I say.
"I em Droyce Ole Beckersman II." Ole said. "We're..."




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