FIVE Part Two- Chapters 6-10 Read Count : 78

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
FIVE- Chapter 6- John Benderson

As we laid the map out on the table Saturday afternoon, I plotted a course from here to the base. The blueprints/ battle plans of the base itself were already established, now we were faced with the issue of transportation. Before we even got there we would need to stop at several locations along the way. Gas stations, coffee shops, dark alleyways, you name it.  We were already packed, but needed to decide whether to walk or to try to drive.
"We could catch a bus?" Suggested Carter.
"Too risky. Someone would find us." Said Eddie.
"Who here has a car we could use?" I asked.
"You aren't taking mine!" Paul retorted.
"Well, don't look at me!" Eddie snapped back.
"Then we walk." I stated, bringing them both back to reality.
This sort of bickering happened a lot between our group, and it was almost always my job to bring them back together. That's okay, though, as they were still a great team, when they work together.
"Well, I did find an old, broken down Model T in the junkyard, and even some keys! It won't be discreet, but it'll do." Eddie said.
"Better. We'll head out tomorrow. Meet at the park near the junkyard with all your stuff at 9:00 a.m." I said.

FIVE- Chapter 7- Carter Clemons

When we started our little road trip, Eddie driving, me and Jim in the back, I knew something was off. Our gear, our plan, our luggage, all fine, but when we got half a mile on the road, I knew something would happen. Then the floor fell out from under me. A gaping hole revealed itself in the bottom of our car. It was hard enough to start the thing, so I didn't ask us to pull over, but it did startle me.

The day did not get better. We stopped for the night at a creepy abandoned burger place. When we walked in to find a place to sleep, a guy wearing all black and a fedora with a feather in it jumped out from behind the corner. For some reason, his face reminded me of captain Picard. Immediately, we brought out our lasers, startled. Strangely, he pulled out a gun, which I learned is an ancient technology similar to the modern day lazer. It's the 23rd century, for goodness sakes, it's about time he upgraded.
"Sorry, we weren't expecting anyone to be here. We don't want any trouble." I said.
"I didn't expect anyone either. A bit late for you kids to be up, isn't it? Let's just all calm down and I'll let you use the restaurant for the night." He said, and lowered his weapon.

One by one, we lowered ours, first John, then me, then, after a while, Eddie. As fast as lightning, he bolted out the door, never to be seen again. Or so we thought.

FIVE- Chapter 8- John Benderson

The next day we made good progress. Better, in fact, than expected. We had three stops before we got in for the night, the first of which was nothing special, just a coffee shop. The second of which was a gas station, because this car goes through gas like you wouldn't believe. The third of which was a grocery store, shut down a year ago for its poor service. It still had enough shelter for a short break before hitting the road again. The creepy thing though, was that right after we walked in, the doors slammed shut behind us.

Turning around, we saw "Picard dude" as we decided to call him. "Naughty children... No need to hurry through with your plan... Heed my warning:

The goal you seek
Is behind the peak
See through the lie
Figure out 'who am I?'"

This time, I was sure what I saw. Black and white streaks of lightning ran up the wall, to a mossy, cracked window, broke it, and ran through.

When we reached the alleyway we would be camping out at for the night, we hid the car behind an old billboard. Rolling out our sleeping bags, I thought back to the strange figure in the shop. I could of sworn I saw someone watching us at the junkyard. But how could he possibly know where we were going? And arrive there first? And know our plans... We had been so careful...

And his powers! No human can run like that! Plus the riddle... Something strange is definitely going on here. The only thing that could make me satisfied as I drifted off to sleep was our excellent progress in driving.

FIVE- Chapter 9- Paul Hues

I worry about them. They're insane to go on this mission, and they didn't contact me until Tuesday evening, reporting that Eddie just narrowly talked his way through some thugs. He also told me that some creepy dude keeps showing up and gave them a riddle. It amazes me that they have survived this long. He hung up just after saying how well the suits were working. I worried the rest of the day.

One thing that worries me most though: he described a symbol he saw at both the restaurant and the grocery store. I've been able to construct a rough sketch of it, and it looks like this:

        \ +  /
          \ /

It is incredibly strange. What could it mean? Where did that guy get his powers? What did the riddle mean? So many questions, so few answers.

FIVE- Chapter 10- John Benderson

We arrived at our base of operations late Wednesday afternoon. It was a homey place, a small hotel room with a window overlooking the city. A bit cramped for 3 people, as pointed out by my colleagues,  but they quickly accepted upon my explanation that it was the only place in the area below $8000 a day where we could be sure not to be listened in on and that you could trust not to have dirt in the food.

I called on a meeting in the main... Well, only room. We had to come up with plans for our infiltration of the base.
"What do you even plan to do once we're in?" Carter asked.
"Well, there isn't much we can do. We can't enlist because we're too young. We can, however, follow them to each battle location, and fight along side them. Also, if we figure out the location of some of the starfish's bases, we can lead a frontal assault!" I explained.
" Sounds risky. And dangerous. Cool." Eddie said.
"We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning." I said.

Before we turned in for the night, Carter approached me.
"John, something's been bothering me. About that Picard dude. What does his riddle mean? Should we investigate?"
"Maybe," I said " I've been wondering about that too. I think we'll worry about that later." 
"Good night" he said.
"Good night." I replied.



    Apr 02, 2018

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