A Rainy Day
Read Count : 124
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
Notice: Just to let everyone know this is just a story that I wrote, believe it or not, on a rainy day no less. In no way am I a suicidal person. I am actually against it. I just wanted to write this in hopes of pulling some heart strings for people bwcause I know it pulled at mine. (It actually made me cry because my grandfather actually said those words to me when I was five years old.) No I am not looking for sympathy. I am just looking for a way to have writers enjoy my writing in more ways than one. I hope you enjoy and once again, thanks for reading what I have written. A Rainy Day It was a rainy day to say the least. I was in my room, as always, hiding. No, more like enclosed within my room. Thinking about so many things from my past. So many things I hate to remember. Yet they are very hard to forget. Things like, what I grew up with as life itself when I was small. There are also things I remeber as well. Enjoyable memories. Let us not forget those. But, back to what I said earlier. I try so hard to forget everything that happened to me when I was young. They always keep me up at night, all those terrible memories. "Is there anyway to make them stop?" I thought to myself once. "Can I ever make them stop?" Another thought stabbed." Is there truly no way out of this nightmare I live in?" Another thought rushed passed. At that time I only thought there was one way to end them and, no way to cope. Suicide. That was my answer I fired back at my thoughts as I bolted in another shell, waiting to shut them down once again. No other thoughts arose. I figured that I finally shut up my own thoughts. I was wrong. Almost immeadiately after I thought suicide, my thoughts ran in saying what will people think of that? How will they react? I fired another shot there way. "I honestly think they wouldn't care about me enough to notice I am gone." My thoughts continued fighting each other for about an hour. I finally gave in to them and said, "today is my last day on this world everyone calls home." "This wretched planet where life knocks you down and when you get back up, knocks you down again and kicks you this time." I found a knife and checked how sharp it was. "I am tired of everyone pushing me around." "I am tired of failing at everything I have done since I was born." "Most of all " I think to myself as I place the blade in positon. "I." "Am." "Tired." "Of." "These." "Painful memories." "I start to slide the blade down my wrist when my granfathers, who is deceased, voice echos within my head. " You are God's gift to this world grandson." His voice says. "I want you to know that even if you fall, God always will help you back up." "He always has a plan for us." I chime in with a little childs voice, "what about you granpa?" "Does he have a plan for you to?" My grandpa sighs," yes my sweet grandson, even I have a plan God has given me." "Now you want to help grandpa get some things from the garden?" He says to me in his soft spoken voice. I hopped up almost immeadiately and yell out, "yay, I get to help granpa pick some plants from the garden!!" We both walk out of the house. I snap back to reality and breakdown crying the rest of the day. Since that day, I have never raised a blade in a attempt to end my life. I may hate all my past and life itself, but I trudge on. I trudge on for my grandfather. In his name and his words he told me. I shall never forget you...grandfather. I miss you always. The End