Fever Dream 18+ Horror Read Count : 158

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
Sarah was brought to the hospital at 1am on Sunday night. She had been complaining of difficulty breathing, as well as a tightness in her throat. Her tempreture had been rising too. Sarah was quite young and expected to fight off these viruses fairly quickly. Her husband had called the hospital after her fever had left her sweating and her temperature had crawled up to 39 degreesC. Her pulse was quite high for a resting heart rate so the ambulance decided she had better come into the hospital so they can lower her temp and provide her with some comfort.

At 2am she reached the hospital. She was shaking yet sweating at the same time. Her teeth were chattering loudly as her complexion moved to a grey-ish hue.

She faded in and out of sleep quite a lot. She was taken to a specialist who checked her vital signs and took note of symptoms. She had hyperthermia and if not treated, she could die within hours if her fever rose any more.

She was laid down on a bed and through her mutterings the doctors reassured her that she would be okay soon. An IV drip was placed in her arm and injections were given to her to calm her core temp down.

She literally felt like she had no energy, yet her body would convulse every few minutes. Her teeth grinding, shivering and sweating didn't stop. She had no idea what time it was. She entered a state of mind that was somewhere in between sleep and waking. Objects that were moving around her seemed like they were made of water. 

Her head felt like it was boiling. Her brain cooked as she lay there not knowing if she was asleep or awake. It hurt to move any part of her body. Sarah reached her hand out feebily and called out for her husband. Her eyes shifted toward her outstretched hand and she saw her skin turning grey and gaunt, as if her skin was being tightened to the point of splitting open.

"Help....Help...What's happening?" She cried out. It hurt to talk and her voice didn't sound like hers at all. It sounded as if someone had taken over her body and was speaking through her.

She saw the outlines of dark figures hovering over her body. It felt like they were prodding and poking at her. She saw what she thought were doctors all crowded around her, all poking at her with their fingertips.

She saw the dark figures who moved like flowing water getting closer to her. Their eyes became more in focus. Red. They all had red eyes.

"What....please....what are you doing?"

"Miss, we're doing all we can, just hold in there" one of the figures said.

Suddenly the figures stopped poking at her and slowly seemed to vanish. Except for one. One figure remained, at the end of her bed. 

She was still sweating profusely and the bed was soaked. Hot..she felt so hot...almost boiling.

She focused on the figure at the end of her bed, having no energy to move or cry out she closed her eyes and passed out again.

Night-time felt like it was lasting forever. Lights were turned off for the first time, as she woke and everything was dark around her now. In her state she began clawing at her face, believing she was turning grey. Out of frustration she mustered up the energy to bite down on her hand. 

Her skin felt like rubber. There was no blood. Her skin had the sensation of a car tyre. Things around her were coming in and outnof focus. She could make out certain things. The IV drip, the paintings of dying children on the walls.

"Where the fuck am I, what kind of hospital is this?" She moaned.

Suddenly, lights came on. The figures were back. One figure never moved, but stayed at the end of her bed. It seemed the darkest of them. 

The figures spoke in a language she couldn't understand. They spoke very fast. Occasionally one of them would try opening up her mouth with a pair of steel pliers and tried pushing chicken and turkey into her mouth.

Her brain was frying in her head and her body felt like it was frozen in agony. She could sware one of the figures was her husband. She moved her eyes around erratically and squinted at all the figures. Every time she squinted and tried focusing her eyes, all she saw were red eyes staring back at her.

"I'm not coming back for you, I think you should die here". The only words she had heard in a while that she understood. They were her husbands.

"Please...wait...what did I do...please"....she drifted off again as her eyes closed shut.

She awoke, feeling her heartbeat in her throat and ears. It was rapid. THUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMP. She felt it most in her throat.

She felt like it was bright out. It must be morning. The next thing she knew, her hospital bed was being moved somewhere else. The move was very forceful and almost violent. Her head would slam against the doors as she was pushed somewhere else.

She was pushed back into a dark room. She could feel the dark figure at the end of her bed, though she could not see it.

The objects around her still moved like water, very fluid.

Lights turned on.

One of the figures brought a mirror up to Sarahs face.

"Look at yourself, look what you did"

She saw a face in the mirror. She squinter at it. It was not hers. This face had no nose. It had no teeth. Its skin was grey with holes in it where a pus-like substance was oozing out. It had old eyes, dead eyes. It had no hair. All of its hair had fallen out and just a few strands remained amongst a bald head. She brought up her hand up to touch its face. It was her face, in the mirror. Her hand was very very thin and grey with sores scattered all over her palm.

The figure in black moved beside her. This figure had no eyes.
It plunged a knife into her chest....


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