Read Count : 132
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
O' So you one of Those, Thinking that whenever you So Chose to Phone, that i should immediately drop whatever i got Going On, to be at your Dispose,-sal, is all the men you date that Gullible & unLoyal, to there own Cause, that they'll sacrifice it All, for some Draws, Aww Naw, I'm not so willing to take a Fall, for Nothing, instead I Stand for Substance, won't openly offer you a Hand in my Suffering (/ Destruction), I know your Goal is to break a Man, and Demand, he puts Nothing, Before You, Adore You, even if he Can't Afford You, he should simply Ignore, the very aching at his Core, and do More & More for You, just for the chance to Explore You. How could you not see the Whore in You? the Principalities are all the Same, in Reality, you just running Game, using a Man, to Further your own Gain, if tables were Reversed, you would Curse my Name, but its all been Rehearsed, your not the First, to Play this Game, of Cat and Mouse. its bitches like you who use their Cats everyDay, to empty Accounts, Rob hard working men of they House, turn Devout Christians into atheist Victims, cause they're so called Spouse was Vindictive, on a self serving Mission, to improve her Condition, No matter the Cost. Perhaps all the Dismay, she leaves in her Wake, May one Day, prove to be too much for Fate, to Shake Off, and karma will answer the Call, but Chances Are, She'll continue to take Advantage of any and All, robbing peter, never ever to Repay Paul, Preying on the Disadvantaged, like a Mantis, causing unforseen Damage, Scanlously Scavenging with such Gall, and if she ever did ever Manage to take a Fall, she'll follow the Patterns, of her mother the maadam, and blame a Man, for it ALL.
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