Love Is To Me Read Count : 65

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Love to me is an all consuming passion.

It takes over every part of your Heart Boby Mind and Soul from being in control of your emotions
I analogize it to being in a tub or other container into which a very sweet, dark, viscous, very pleasant feeling, warm liquid is slowly poured onto you. 

As the liquid touches your flesh, it takes away for all other sensations.

 As the level of the liquid rises and progressively covers more and more of your body, you will have trouble paying attention to anything else. 

By the time the warm sweet liquid reaches your neck, you are at rest and relaxed not conscious of anything else except the feeling of the sweet warm liquid all over your pretty body too feel
If too much is poured, you may drown.

 Even if you do not drown, you will lose interest in everything else at that time-at least until the liquid cools off.

 Even if you are forced to leave the tub, your attention will be focused on the wonderful feelings that you had inside the tub filled with sweet warm liquids

 And, you will always want to reinter the tub and be recovered with the warm sweet liquid again.
If you go through the experience enough times, the rest of life will be what you do so that you can be ready and available to be covered in the warm sweet liquid again.

 It has a seductive and addictive property that surpasses all else in life.
It operates on one's brain like a beautiful melody that has touched the deepest recesses of one's Body Mind Soul and Heart 

 Once you have fallen in love, you will never be the same again.

Because Love Is To Me is the warmest sweetest feeling one can have and share from deep inside one's self

Larry Perry, Sr.


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