FIVE- Chapter 8- John Benderson
Read Count : 64
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
The next day we made good progress. Better, in fact, than expected. We had three stops before we got in for the night, the first of which was nothing special, just a coffee shop. The second of which was a gas station, because this car goes through gas like you wouldn't believe. The third of which was a grocery store, shut down a year ago for its poor service. It still had enough shelter for a short break before hitting the road again. The creepy thing though, was that right after we walked in, the doors slammed shut behind us. Turning around, we saw "Picard dude" as we decided to call him. "Naughty children... No need to hurry through with your plan... Heed my warning: The goal you seek Is behind the peak See through the lie Figure out 'who am I?'" This time, I was sure what I saw. Black and white streaks of lightning ran up the wall, to a mossy, cracked window, broke it, and ran through. When we reached the alleyway we would be camping out at for the night, we hid the car behind an old billboard. Rolling out our sleeping bags, I thought back to the strange figure in the shop. I could of sworn I saw someone watching us at the junkyard. But how could he possibly know where we were going? And arrive there first? And know our plans... We had been so careful... And his powers! No human can run like that! Plus the riddle... Something strange is definitely going on here. The only thing that could make me satisfied as I drifted off to sleep was our excellent progress in driving.
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