I Wanna Love You
Read Count : 169
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I wanna chat with you for hours, where we have even shared our most sacred thoughts and exhausted our fairy-tales I wanna pray with you tireless, where all our answers are locked within this unison I wanna love you through merciless raging storms I wanna lie with you in perfect silence, and know that somehow you understand the voice of my heartbeat and patterns of my breath I wanna hold your hand soundly, 'till it melts into mine that it's impossible telling them apart I wanna love you 'till the trumpet sounds I wanna share belly hurting chuckles with you, 'till melancholy is estranged from our dwelling I wanna act folly with you, that even the deranged swell up with envy I wanna love you 'till loving you is a necessity for my breath I wanna linger stares at you, so your eyes spill stories your lips failed to confess I wanna walk with you distances to new worlds, from whence we can't swing back I wanna love you 'till the last tick of time