Once Upon A Time Pt 2
Read Count : 135
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
He shut out everyone after all the pity and sorrow he was overcoming. At least his grandmother wasn't in doubt of his success. She was able to send off her grandson to college. And after that doubt from everyone he still clinged onto his route as it was stringing him along. The no longer pitiful man stood in his office from above a corporate building. He was a new CEO of his own business. Throughout his adulthood he met someone that finally understood him and did not pity him. "Wouldn't my grandmother be proud." He thought to himself. Then he walked away from the windows with a smile. After that he continued to pursuit the route to successfulnes and happiness. And you can count on him to tell his story to his expecting children. The no longer pitiful man lived his life happily without pity.