The Starvation Sword Part 3 Survival Read Count : 90

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
    Tobias awoke and tried to sit up, when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as blood started oozing from his wound, running down his back. As he laid back down, he could feel the arrow head still in his flesh. He heard leaves crackling and twigs snapping only getting closer. He braised himself for anything, when Bevreli came into view.
    "Are you feeling any better," she said.
    "Where were you!" Tobias wanted to shout, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was, "okay."
    "That's good to hear," she said as she laid beside him. She could hear his heavy breathing and fell asleep.
    When it was midnight, she left to sneak into the town. She needed a pot to boil water in and some food to keep them going. She went to a friends house and knocked on the door. When the door opened her friend was about to scream, when Bevreli covered her mouth with her hand. When they got inside, Bevreli explained her situation to her friend.
    "Alright I'll help you now, but you can never come back," she told Bevreli," there's a bounty on you and Tobias and if they knew I was affiliated with you, they'd hang me." She handed Bevreli a pot, some bandages, and some bread and force Bevreli to leave.
    Before Bevreli left Shrodlin, she went back to her house and grabbed an axe her father used when he was a forester. As she was leaving her house, she saw a guard asleep with his weapon on the ground. She snuck over to him and was about to grab it, when he woke up.
    "What are you doing out here," he said.
    "I'm just walking aroud, getting some fresh air." she responded.
    "Alright then," he said dosing off again.
    Bevreli sprinted out of Shrodlin and went back to Tobias. When she got back, she tried to catch her breath and stated to make a small shelter for them. When she finished, she grabbed Tobias and set him down in the shelter and went to look for water. Hours passed and she found nothing. She was about to give up, when she found a stream. She grabbed the pot and scooped out some water and started heading back to Tobias. When she got back, she gave some water and bread to Tobias, as she patched his wound. Tobias started wincing in pain and tighten his muscles to try to ease the pain. When she finished, she could see that the sun was setting and she was dazing in and out. She drank some water and fell asleep as the night got colder and the wind started picking up.


  • Nice

    Apr 30, 2018

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