Presidential Crisis
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
People of America ... what has become of the American democratic process? Where is the outrage? A president elect surrounded around questions of business entanglement ethics, non-disclosures, Russian interferences in the election itself with possible linkage to the Trump campaign and unknowns about the motivations of the FBI Director. Why hasn't the Republican congressional leadership already opened multiple investigations to determine if there is in fact reasons to be worried? We know they have been quick to trigger investigations in the recent past: Benghazi and emails come readily to mind. The issues around this election DWARF all of those in terms of importance. What are they afraid of? Why don't they want the American public to know the answers? Here is what I think should happen: both the senate and house should immediately open committee or even special committee investigations into all three matters ... before Trump can be sworn in. Speaker Ryan can hold his place until all is clearly known. It is time to end the political hypocrisy and have our representatives work for the best intetests of our country. We should be contacting our elected officals to demand they proceed immediately ... time is of the essence.