Silence Broken Read Count : 135

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
In the darkness which I dwell,
There is a sound I know so well.
It creeps along my skin and bones
Leaving chills and goosebumps where it roams
I shiver cause im cold,
I cry cause Im alone.
Whonwill help me now, The Maiden?
The Lady...or The Crone?
Please help me, my fears have gone viral,
Please Goddess, help me from this downwars spiral.
More and more.the darkness seeps,
Into my soul it begins to creep.
It takes my breath, and stills my voice
I see the only choice!
I wince, as blade cuts skin, at the pain,
My blood, on the floor, begins to rain.
This is the only way I can make it go
A cut here, and there, and let blood flow.
White flashes before my eyes, 
Joyous pain I want to cry,
Away from me the darkness shies
This is how I still the violence,
Of the most painful sound known as...


  • Deep

    Mar 29, 2018

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