If We Were The Same Way Read Count : 111

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Biography
(Based on true story)

When my sister was born she told me she was a angel and was the most perfect child and once hoped for a little sister. Thats what she got but didnt like me and said she turned into a devil sense she didn't get any attention. When I was 7 and she was 9 we started going to restaurants and people would ask if we were twins. She would say no and when we would get home she would get mad.
  We had the same clothes but she would always say "We have to wear them on different days so people don't think we are twins!" And so we did. After all this happened... I tried to get my mind off it and started playing video games and writing. When I turned 9 you all would know what happened if you read my "Write my Life" Book but if not ill tell you. When I turned 9 i got my phone i started writing books on here and she would always tell me not to get the same apps as her.
  The question I would ask myself all the time is "What would happen if we were the same way" "What if we were twins"

(I cried while writing this book and also cried out of everything that happened between me and her. This is still going on)


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