Under The Sea Sequel To Inhuamanity
Read Count : 162
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
I saw Lola standing at the edge of the harbour knowing where we would go. We were about to do the biggest thing of all time and escape our parents to travel the world together. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Lola asked me as she was older and mature. I nodded knowing what would come. We were firstly going to visit Sydney and the rest of Australia trying to avoid the part we live in. Then we would go to the closest country. I'm not good with geography so I'm not sure what's next but Lola does. I dived in while no one was watching and Lola followed. My light blonde hair and turquoise tail suited me brilliantly. I moved my tail up and down and zoomed forward to Sydney. I couldn't wait to explore. We took up fish and water for hydration and food. Our day in Sydney was amazing and we now were traveling to another part of Australia. This was where the biggest Australian amusement park was, it seemed amazing. It's all I've been thinking of since 4 but now I was actually going. We set off our journey at 9pm on Friday. We'd been on some off the fastest stomach-churning rides but now we were going to sleep on the beach until morning so we could get ready for our 800 mile swim. We'd go to so many places together. When we finally went to Miami we knew we had found our dream home. We bought a mansion with a large pool out back and we would swim every day. We would run riot for 48 hours. This is the end for now. Until next time adios!