The Tales Of Hoo
Read Count : 98
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
An Eight Realms Pome Written By Thaumus the Bard It was a stormy night unlike any other Thunder bellowed across the skies But deep in the Woods of the Creepy Dark A terrible secret lies One that can tear the Eight Realms asunder Much like lightning does to the clouds A dark prophecy that reveals The link between the Shadow King and the Shroud And so this is why on this storm filled night That Hoo finds himself in the Woods of the Creepy Dark To find the prophetic tapestry That was painted with blood pumped from a still beating heart But the journey will be scary and dark One that may be too much even for the Legendary Hoo A journey that not only may hold the fate of the Realms But also of our beloved King too There will be dangers galore And many monsters for him to fight It all starts here in Woods of the Creepy Dark And Hoo's quest for the truth about the Shadows Might...
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