My Life Pt 1
Read Count : 133
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
Hi my name is Cate Candy my life changed after this enjoy So this is the story of my life I was born on May 3rd 2007. I was a normal kid until this happend. As i was walking home i heard a loud scream come from the house i dashed in as fast as i could. As i opend the door i saw a kid i couldnt get a glimps before i got hit in the head. I woked up from the sound of yelling. I came out of the room and the yelling became quiet. "Slender she's awake"said a boy with messy hair and a mask. "I know Toby" said the tall white man "How you don't have any eyes"he fired back How tall is that man i thought Lincon was the tallest person ever but i gues i thought wrong "Hi my name is C...."We know who you are" said the kid with the mask "Every one welcome Cate" said the tall man "Hi cate" said everyone at the same time "Okay first things first"said tall man "Meet... sally, toby, jeff, masky, hoodie, ben, smile the dog, jane, jack, jill, lizari,and last me Slender man" he said "Toby show her, her room"he said as the kid told me to follow him "Well Cate this is your room"he said pushing me in with him "Just a few rules and then you can start your first mission" he said After that i headed out with him on my first mission to bring someone back "So who are we going to get" i asked "I can't tell you its a suprize" he said After waking a mile in the woods we finally saw someone and this is what happened "Stop i see someone"he said "Okay i'll get him with my knife"i said as i snucked up behind him i jabbed my knife into his back and stabed him 8 times before Toby held me down "What were you thinking" he asked I didn't answer "Come on Cate lets head home" he said After walking back home i went to my room and i gusse Toby is my roommate "Cate what happend to you why did you keep stabing that man" he asked "I thought he was my mom" i said "Cate i like you as a friend and all but your crazy"he said I ignored him and just sat on my bed and then he came over to my bed and whispered in my ear and then i fell asleep. When i woke up i looked over my shoulder and saw toby right there and i tryed to get out of bed without him waking up but.... i falled "Cate where are you going"he asked "To the bathroom"i said "Okay don't leave me"he said "Okay"as i gave him a kiss on his forehead "Cate come here" Slender yelled "Coming" i said TO BE CONTINUED hopefully youll like the next chapter